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How to be a wellness warrior (on a budget!)

Written By Unknown on Thursday 31 August 2017 | 18:01

It can be tough staying on top of the latest health and wellness trends – we get it.

But before you fork over your hard-earned pay packet on superfood powders, supplements and fancy kitchen gadgets, stop!

If you fancy yourself a bit of a wellness warrior at heart, here’s how to channel that energy and create some tasty (and trendy) treats at home… on a budget!

Turmeric latte.

These golden cups of goodness are EVERYWHERE. But instead of hitting up your local hipster cafĂ© and paying upwards of $5 a pop for a “golden mylk”, make one at home using that jar of turmeric you’ve had sitting in your spice rack for months. Simply add ½ teaspoon each of turmeric, ginger and cinnamon to warm milk, stir through ½ a teaspoon of rice malt syrup and dust with cinnamon. Delish!

Gelatin desserts.

Move over bone broth because the latest way to absorb the benefits of gut-healing gelatin is to pop it in your baking. Aside from gummies (which are, of course, delicious), we also love to add it to our sweet treats. Try these Jazzy Jaffa Cakes next time you’re craving a hit of choc-orange!

Chia pudding.

While these beauties sure look fancy, we’re here to tell you that they’re literally one of the easiest puds to whip up! Perfect for a quick brekkie on the go or as an after-dinner snack, simply mix chia seeds with water or milk and leave to set in the fridge. Serve with chopped nuts, berries, cinnamon or a drizzle of rice malt syrup and you’ve got one tasty treat. Give this recipe a go!

Matcha ice cream.

Matcha is definitely one trendy bevvy, but if you can’t be bothered with the whisking involved in making the perfect brew, then why not add it to your next batch of ice cream instead? Our decadent Green Tea Ice Cream is sure to hit the spot.

What other foodie trends are you keen to try?


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