Getting ready for summer over Christmas?
While the Southern Hemisphere has less of a reputation for steamed puddings and mince pies, we still love to get sugar-crazy during the festive season. Can anyone say pavlova?
Is your calendar filling up with parties you know will be over-the-top? Here are some tried-and-tested tips that will help you stay (mostly) sugar-free all summer long.
1. Enjoy nature’s candy.
When the sugar cravings come a-calling, a small serve of fruit will keep you from going crazy. Luckily, fruit is really in-season over summer, and what celebration would be complete without a fruit platter? Our low-fructose favourites include dark berries, coconut and kiwifruit.
2. Don’t diet. Seriously!
You may be tempted to embark on an ultra-restrictive cleanse leading up to summer (especially if you overindulged a little in winter – hey, it happens). But these diets can leave you in worse shape than when you started.
““These rigid rules lead to an increased preoccupation with food, particularly forbidden foods, and this can lead to bingeing behaviours,” says psychologist and food addiction expert Kellee Waters.
Instead, eat sensibly and don’t skimp out on the healthy fats – these keep you satiated, preventing sugar binges.
3. Be prepared to party.
Just because you’re making an effort to eat healthy doesn’t mean you should be Billy No-Mates. Accept those summer party invites but be prepared to eat beforehand, or, even better, bring your own healthy treats so everyone can be involved!
4. Choose activities that aren’t related to food.
The sun is out – why spend all your time in a cafĂ©? Take the initiative to invite your friends on non-food adventures. This is the prime time to go swimming, bushwalking, cycling, you name it!
5. Pick your battles.
Summer only comes around once a year. Make it count! While you probably shouldn’t indulge in every treat that comes your way, pick some that you’ll really enjoy. Be mindful of how it makes you feel and, the next day, simply jump back on the wagon again.
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