Whether you’ve got a bloated belly, suffer from indigestion or battle with more serious concerns like IBS – at some point in our lives, all of us will have to deal with digestive complaints.
The key to keeping the delicate balance of bacteria in our gut in check and ensuring our digestion runs smoothly, lies in our diet.
Here are our fave gut-friendly ingredients to keep your tum in tip-top shape…
To boost digestion, try rocket.
Bitter greens like rocket and kale are king when it comes to firing up our digestion. They work by activating the taste buds in our mouths to produce digestive enzymes, as well as bile from the liver, which helps to break down our food and improve digestion.
To beat heartburn, try apple cider vinegar.
It seems this liquid gold can literally do everything (well, almost). If you suffer from heartburn regularly, try sipping a little apple cider vinegar in warm water before meals or drizzle over salads and roast veggies. Not only is it said to help soothe reflux, but it boosts good bacteria and aids digestion too.
To heal your gut, try gelatin.
It’s no secret we love gelatin, but it’s good for more than just making delicious gummies! Our in-house nutritionist Liv says, “Gelatin is made from collagen which is the most abundant protein in the human body! It’s found in hair, skin, nails, organs, tissues, blood vessels and more. When ingested, gelatin helps to heal the gut lining by enhancing gastric acid secretion and restoring a healthy mucosal lining along the digestive tract. This means you can better absorb the nutrients from food, and create a better environment for your gut bacteria which in turn reduces inflammation in the gut.”
To soothe IBS, try peppermint.
For centuries, peppermint has been hailed as being helpful in alleviating digestive complaints and research now shows that it can be extremely effective in relieving symptoms of IBS. Time to brew a pot of peppermint tea perhaps?
To read more from this series, click here for foods to feed your hair!
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