Struggling to shake your sweet cravings? Rest assured, you’re not alone.
But before you blame hunger (and raid your emergency snack stash in the bottom drawer) it might be time to tune into your body instead.
Truth be told, certain cravings can actually highlight a hidden nutrient deficiency and those (constant) cravings are simply your body’s way of getting you to listen up.
Here’s how…
You crave: Carbs
Ready to devour the entire bread basket without taking a breath? You could be low in amino acid tryptophan.
While carbs don’t directly contain tryptophan, eating carbohydrate-rich food increases tryptophan levels in the brain and synthesises serotonin (AKA, the feel good hormone). This is why a big bowl of pasta can feel so comforting!
The solution: Instead of overdosing on carbs, opt for protein instead which can help to keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer.
You crave: Chocolate
Did you know that dark chocolate contains around half your daily requirement of magnesium in a single serve?
So while it may seem like you can’t control the urge to reach for the dark choccy daily, it could simply be your body crying out for a little magnesium. When you think magnesium can help to ease muscle cramps, boost mood, improve sleep, ease anxiety and balance blood pressure, it’s no wonder the body relies on this miracle mineral so much.
The solution: Although a square or two of dark chocolate from time to time comes IQS-approved, ensure your magnesium levels stay in tip-top shape by noshing on dark leafy greens, pumpkin seeds and beans regularly.
You crave: Cheese
Constantly nibbling on cheese (or craving pizza!) may mean you need to dose up on healthy fats!
At IQS we love our healthy fats and aside from helping to keep us satiated, fats are vital for brain health and a strong immune system.
The solution: Reach for healthy fats like avocado, nuts and oily fish like salmon or sardines. Bacon and eggs for brekkie is also a great fat-friendly option to satisfy those cravings!
You crave: Meat
While many of us reach for meat when we’re low in iron, it can also indicate our zinc levels are a little depleted.
While you may not have given much thought to this mighty mineral, zinc boosts immunity, strengthens our memory and can even help reduce inflammation in the body.
The solution: While lean red meat is a great dietary source of zinc, you can also boost your intake with lentils, spinach and pumpkin seeds.
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