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Why frying can be the healthiest way to cook (+ 4 more frying facts)

Written By Unknown on Thursday, 1 December 2016 | 22:30

Just so you know, this is a sponsored post. But the opinions are our own and we researched the topic and came to these conclusions independently.

Are you the type to always boil or steam your vegetables because “frying is bad for you”?

You might be missing out on a load of health benefits (not to mention, flavour!).

Fire up the grill, because we are about to let you in on some incredible facts about frying your food.

Fact 1: It can be healthier to fry your vegetables than boil them.

Many of the vitamins in vegetables are fat-soluble – this means our bodies absorb them better when we consumed them with a little fat. Cooking in oil seems like the best way to us!

Extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest option. Not only is it packed with anti-inflammatory antioxidants itself, research has shown vegetables cooked in EVOO increase in antioxidants, compared to boiling.

Fact 2: You can – and should – fry with extra virgin olive oil!

Unlike the vegetable oil companies would have you believe, EVOO is perfectly safe to fry with up to 215ºC (419ºF). The recommended temperature for deep-frying is 180ºC (356ºF), so you’d have to really crank up the heat to reach its smoke point.

But note: inferior EVOO, or regular olive oil, has fewer protective antioxidants, so the smoke point will be lower. We love our mates at Cobram Estate – they tick all our boxes for a fresh, high quality, local EVOO.

Fact 3: Vegetable oils are terrible for frying (or consuming in any manner).

Mmm, highly-processed, often genetically modified, deodorised, bleached, recoloured “vegetable oils”. Can you tell we’re not fans? Not only do these cheap seed oils taste gross, they go rancid quickly and contain high levels of pro-inflammatory omega-6.

Additionally, sunflower and corn oil release aldehydes up to 200 times higher than World Health Organization recommendations when they’re heated. These chemicals are linked to Alzheimer’s disease and cancer.

Fact 4: Frying at low temps won’t make your food greasy.

While you can cook at high temperatures, we prefer a low and slow approach. This keeps as many antioxidants in the EVOO and the veggies intact as possible.

Plus, the science shows that food loses more moisture as your cooking temp increases. Which means your veggies are more likely to become “oil-logged”.

Fact 5: Good quality EVOO comes in many flavours suitable for frying.

Like wine, there are many different varieties of EVOO to suit every taste and cooking style. Our mates at Cobram know how to choose olives to vary flavour (without diluting with vegetable oils, as some inferior EVOOs do).

We love a mild-tasting EVOO for frying, a more robust blend for drizzling on salads and sometimes even an infusion if we’re feeling fancy!

Have we busted any of the myths you had about frying?


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