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10 questions you get asked every day if you’re sugar-free

Written By Unknown on Sunday 4 December 2016 | 22:22

Sugar is so prevalent in everyday life that of course the idea of quitting it seems pretty strange to some!

So don’t be too surprised if you start fielding lots of questions about sugar once you’ve decided to lower your intake. Trust us, we get them every day.

Thinking about quitting sugar or want to know more about it before joining the I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program? This handy list answers some of the most common (and curliest) questions.

1. So, does that mean you don’t eat fruit? Don’t you know scurvy is making a comeback?

Arrr, is that why my teeth keep falling out?! Damn scurvy got me again!

Seriously, we do eat fruit because the small amount of sugar in whole, fresh fruit is fine for our body to metabolise. But juice and dried fruit is just concentrated sugar.

2. Doesn’t your body need some sugar, though?


3. Isn’t it a fad diet/cult?

Would you seriously call an all-kale diet and daily sacrifices to the Lord Zraak’zeg a cult? Kidding.

Australians eat up to 38 teaspoons of sugar a day and we’re just trying to get back to a better place. It’s really about eating real food – and, no, we don’t advocate starvation or cutting out food groups.

4. But don’t you craaave sugar? *waves Twix bar temptingly in your face*

Well, sure, it’s normal to crave sugar from time to ti– will you get that Twix bar out of my face?! Fructose has been shown to make us hungrier and trigger feel-good hormones (it may even activate the brain’s reward system more than cocaine).

Quitting sugar for at least eight weeks will recalibrate your tastebuds and reset your appetite. The longer you do it, the stronger your willpower gets. So I say begone with your Twix!

5. Do you still eat ~healthy~ sugars like honey or agave?

Agave, coconut sugar, dates, honey and maple syrup all contain moderate to high levels of fructose. So, not healthy.

6. What about carbs? I love bread!

We’re not about to eat a chip sandwich served with a side of pasta, but a sensible amount of carbohydrates is fructose-free and metabolised fine by most people. Also, vegetables are carbs. VEGETABLES.

7. Or *gasp* wine?

A dry red or white wine is usually fructose-free. So, yes, we do drink wine in moderation! Same with beer.

8. Tell me you don’t live without chocolate?!

We’re not totally insane. The 85 per cent stuff is pretty low in sugar, but usually we just make our own!

9. What happens to you now if you eat sugar?

At the moment of contact with the sweet poison, our skin turns a sickly shade of green, we begin shaking uncontrollably and transform into a grotesque, hulk-like, sugar-addicted creature…

Actually, once you’ve got the sugar addiction out of your system, it’s pretty easy to stop at just one cookie or cake (it’s almost too sweet). And even if we go a little overboard, it’s as simple as jumping back on the wagon!

10. Do you eat cake on your birthday?

We sure do!


About Unknown


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