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Home » , , , , » The Dietitians Association of Australia calls for obesity policy (including a sugar tax?)

The Dietitians Association of Australia calls for obesity policy (including a sugar tax?)

Written By Unknown on Thursday, 24 November 2016 | 21:55

With the Australian Greens announcing they aim to push for a sugar tax in Parliament, the conversation has even shaken up the Dietitians Association of Australia.

The famously conservative group has released a statement in support of “public policy initiatives” to address obesity, with the possibility of sugar tax. Dare we say “about time”?

This comes as a report from the Grattan Institute claims 40 per cent sugar tax would cause a 15 per cent drop in sugary drinks.

While the Association is careful to remain “on the fence”, it does look like it could be finally onboard with our sugar tax stance. It even agrees a sugar tax should be just one part of the obesity solution, including education and reformulation. (Have they been reading our petition perhaps?)

The DAA also says any tax revenue should be redirected towards public health, something The Greens are working towards (and we wholeheartedly support).

We just hope it’ll catch up on the World Health Organization’s standard recommendation for optimal health – which is that sugar should be five per cent of your daily energy intake, not 10 per cent).

We look forward to seeing what they’re planning next…

Are you surprised that the DAA may be considering a sugar tax?


About Unknown


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