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How the IQS team masters the Sunday Cook-Up

Written By Unknown on Thursday 7 September 2017 | 18:44

It’s no secret that we love a little meal prep here at IQS.

And, on our 8-Week Program, we give you all the tools, tips and tricks to master your Sunday Cook-Up like a #Boss.

But sometimes, we get asked, how we master our own meal prep. So, to inspire you to get into the kitchen this week, here are some top tips from the team themselves…

Our food and recipes manager, Georgia, loves to whip up a batch of rissoles.

I like to make up a big batch of pork or beef rissoles and veg to have on hand in the freezer for those weeknights when I just want to put my feet up after work. The rissoles literally take 15 minutes to prep and are packed with veggies and herbs, then I just whack them in the oven along with a tray of broccoli, cauliflower and sprouts (or whatever veg is in season). I like to roast my veg in the oven as they stay nice and crunchy and none of the nutrients are lost during the cooking process!

For Phoebe, our writer and content creator, her meal prep is firmly focused on protein!

I’m a big chicken fan and I find it the easiest protein to cook so normally I’ll roast up and shred a chook, or I’ll cook up a big batch of mince (a spag bol sort of thing, or meatballs!) and then plan the rest of my meals around my chosen protein. I’ll also cook up either a big sweet-potato-veggie-mix or some rice to fill out my meals. Once these are all prepped, I find it super easy to throw together different meals on the fly – add rice and chicken and you’ve got fried rice, add coconut milk and turmeric and you’ve got yourself a delish curry. From just a few basic ingredients I find I can eat well all week!

Our resident wellness warrior and nutritionist, Liv, is inspired by what’s in season and available at her local markets…

I like to change it up depending on what’s available at the markets, but I generally stick to these three things… Without fail, there’s always a tray of roasted veggies, anything from fennel, brussel sprouts, pumpkin or beetroot, whatever I’ve bought. I’ll also make some kind of sauce to see me through the week, often a pesto where I take any leafy herbs and blend with a good glug of olive oil, garlic, lemon juice and salt and pepper. If I’ve bought a bulb of fennel I make pesto out of the leafy fennel fronds! And finally, I’ll make some kind of meat. Most often, I’ll do an organic roast chicken as I’ve got a bit more time to cook it in the oven on a Sunday, then I’ll use the carcass to make a bone broth overnight in the slow cooker… ready to drink throughout the week!

For Eliza, our online community coordinator, Sunday is centered around food!

Sunday is my ultimate foodie day so you’ll definitely find me out for brunch in the morning, before heading off to stock up on my weekly staples. For me, I love putting a whole bunch of my veggies in the oven on Sunday evening (my go-to’s are sweet potatoes, zucchinis and eggplant topped with a bit of olive oil and loads of smoked paprika), whilst also getting all my greens, raw veg, quinoa, tahini dressing etc. prepped so I can quickly throw my salads together in a glass container before work during the week. You’re also likely to find a stash of fresh avo’s in my kitchen ready to go for the week (because everything tastes that little better with avo right?!).

Depending on how much time she’s got, our office manager, Maddy, keeps it simple.

For me, it really depends how much time I have but often I’ll boil my eggs in advance because I always seem to lack time in the morning! That way, all I have to do is quickly sauté my greens, throw in quarter of an avo, a handful of baby tomatoes and voila! If I happen to have more time on my hands however, I’ll roast up a free-range chook. It sounds basic but once shredded, it can be used in everything from salads to soups, nachos and tacos!

And for customer support team lead, Becky, she sets herself up for success by mastering brekkie for the week ahead!

Before I go to bed on a Sunday morning, I always make sure I’ve prepped my breakfasts for the week. I love brekkie and feel that if I don’t get it right, it puts my whole day out. I am absolutely loving porridge and congee at the moment (hello, Sticky Spiced Pear Crumble Congee!) and the famous IQS Coco-Nutty Granola. I love eating my porridge warmed up with a little bit of sliced fruit and beautiful full-fat Greek yoghurt. Porridge is super easy to prep in advance and I tote it to work each day in old jars.

Learn how to master your own Sunday Cook-Up by signing up to our 8-Week Program!


About Unknown


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