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The worst health advice we heard this month

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 29 August 2017 | 18:03

We’re not going to lie, there’s a lot of crappy (and confusing) health advice out there.

And, this month in particular we seem to have heard it all! Here’s a quick wrap up of the month that was…

Coconut oil saga…

Just when we thought we all the kerfuffle about coconut oil was over, it made a reappearance this month after the American Heart Association released a study arguing that vegetable oils were healthier than animal fats, ultimately to prove that coconut oil was bad. That’s a big call, seeing as vegetable oils contain a concoction of trans fats and have been linked to a load of health issues. We won’t be swapping out our coconut oil that’s for sure!

This dietician “quit added sugar”.

We must admit, we had a giggle at this one… this dietician decided to “stop eating all added sugar for 30 days,” and then added dates to everything (like, SO MANY DATES). After all that dried fruit (and a few slip-ups), she then gave up on day 26. Hmm, we don’t think that’s exactly how it’s supposed to work. We love when other health professionals take note of the sugar message, but we know when you feel restricted you’re more likely to fall off the wagon. That’s why the 8-Week Program is flexible enough so you can enjoy the little things as well – like wine!

What the Health.

Unless you were living under a rock this month, you definitely would have heard of this one. This Netflix documentary caused quite the stir when it came out, making all sorts of hocus pocus claims about not only sugar, but animal products too. Just as a rule of thumb, let’s not take all our health advice from Netflix from now on. You can have a read of our full review here


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