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I’ll be there for you…

Written By Unknown on Sunday 27 August 2017 | 23:06

 Whether it’s getting up early to go to the gym, or Sunday brunch dates – everything is more fun with a friend.

Even quitting sugar. Which is where our IQS Friends program can help!

While ditching the sweet stuff for good is something that everyone needs to master on their own, having someone to lean on through the ups and downs definitely makes it that little bit easier to stay motivated.

Here’s why…

One word: Cravings.

You know those sugar withdrawals we talk about? Well, they’re real. As your body slowly realises that you’re no longer hooked up to an IV drip full of fructose, it’s inevitable you’ll start to battle with cravings. Having a friend along for the ride means you can reassure yourself you’re not alone and that your deep desire for a giant choc-chip muffin at 3pm won’t last forever. Trust us, they’ll know EXACTLY what you’re going through.

Mood swings.

While we promise your cravings will start to ease after a few days, you might then find yourself battling with some pretty fun (okay, not-so-fun) mood swings. Why, all of a sudden, is Betty (your colleague) eating so loudly? Seriously. Again, instead of losing your cool at perfect strangers (and your friends and family who love you), vent to your sugar-free friend who can probs relate. To the highs…

And lows…

Moral support.

We talk about this all the time, but when you quit sugar, it’s likely every man and his dog will throw in their two cents about your new “lifestyle”. Instead of letting other people’s curiosity (or, negativity) get in your head, lean on your mate and stay strong together. Simply explain to naysayers that you’ve given up sugar to improve your health and direct them to our 8-Week Program if they still have unanswered questions.

They’ll totally understand your sudden boost of energy.

Once the sugar-fog clears, you’ll begin to reap the rewards of your new sugar-free way of life. Say hello to boosted energy, clear skin, improved sleep… to name a few.

Find food freedom, together.

You’ve beaten your cravings, you’ve got a repertoire of sugar-free recipes up your sleeve to keep you on track and now you’ve found food freedom. How good does it feel? With a friend by your side, you can sail off into the sugar-free sunset together!

So, what are you waiting for? Join our Friends program now!


About Unknown


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