Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of our mate Peter FitzSimons by now.
After struggling with weight issues and yo-yo dieting for decades, the former rugby player has completely turned his health around. And in this edited extract from his new book The Great Aussie Bloke Slim-Down, Pete tells us (and particularly you blokes) why quitting sugar had a heck of a lot to do with it.
From a dietary point of view, the crux of the problem is not just the calories those sugary food and drinks add, but how hungry it makes you for more sugary things…
The whole problem starts with the shocking difference between how much sugar our bodies are designed to cope with and how much sugar we actually take in.
The latter figure should stun you.
… The average Australian and American consumes at least 36 teaspoons of sugar each day, which, at four grams a teaspoon, adds up to about a kilo of sugar a week, which translates into over 50 freaking kilograms a year! (And that’s average, mate.)
This is all the more shocking when you realise the natural intake of our ancestors – the amount our body actually hums on best – was about two kilograms a year.
Savvy, mate?
We’ve inherited from our ancestors a beautifully efficient human machine.
Designed to run on a certain kind of natural fuel… it only takes as many teaspoons of sugar a day you used to put in your coffee [for our motor to run sweetly] and for the record, our body can get by fine without any at all.
But when we guzzle just one can of Coca-Cola, we are taking in about 39 grams of sugar, as in well over NINE teaspoons. You get it?
With just one can of Coke we are taking in our entire weekly ration… Keep guzzling Cokes, on top of a diet that delivers enough calories already, and of course you will turn into the Michelin Man. How else could it work?
If you only get one thing from this book, get this: stop the sugar = stop the hunger.
If somebody had drummed that into my noggin 25 years ago, I would never have even got close to 152 kilograms.
Stop the sugar and stop the hunger was the blinding breakthrough that led me to drop 42 kilograms so far.
Stop the sugar, and your body tells you when you’ve had enough food.
Stop the sugar, and your fuel guage – which has likely been on the blink for 30 or 40 years – starts to work and tells you when to stop eating and drinking.
Stop the sugar, and together with the fuel gauge, so too does the right blinker and accelerator start to work!
Listen to your engine as it starts to purr again. You can finally take the hand-brake off, throw it into gear and at last pull out onto the road once more, as you are soon moving out after the pack again.
Stop the sugar, and before your very eyes, you turn into a bloke who pushes the plate away and says to the hostess “Thank you, Martha, but I couldn’t possibly have any more of that mashed potato, as I find I am teddibly, teddibly full,” and you’ll mean it!
You can read more about Peter’s stance on sugar and his incredible transformation in his new book The Great Aussie Bloke Slim-Down.
‘Cause Pete is joining Sarah in the IQS office on Wednesday 7 December to talk all things sugar on Facebook Live. Trust us, you won’t want to miss this one!
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