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7 kid-friendly no-bake recipes you can make these holidays

Written By Unknown on Thursday, 1 December 2016 | 11:20

You’re never too young to get in the kitchen and cook up a storm!

And as we hurdle towards the end-of-year holidays and celebrations galore (where is this year going!?), now is the perfect time to get little hands dirty with a little baking DIY.

But If you’re worried about burnt fingers, these seven no-bake recipes for kids are the perfect place to start. They’re quick, simple, don’t require and oven and don’t come with a sugar crash. 

1. Coconut Truffles

We didn’t think these sugar-, dairy- and nut-free balls could be improved, but then we found out they were oven-free too! Perfectly sized for little hands and mouths, and featuring four types of coconut, they’re a super healthy ball of goodness.

IQS: Coconut truffles

2. Best Vegan Chocolate Mousse

This is our most popular recipe for a reason! Not only is it the world’s greatest vegan chocolate mousse (no, really!), but it’s also super simple to make. Forget separating egg yolks and heating cream, this recipe has only five ingredients (including nutrient-rich chia seeds) – and no cooking required.


3. Caramel Nut Slice

This recipe does have nuts (so avoid if your kids have allergies). The coconut butter and mood-boosting cacao base can set in the freezer, while the chewy caramel topping doesn’t even need a microwave!

I Quit Sugar - Caramel Nut Slice by Lillian Dikmans

4. Raw Vegan Cookie Dough Pops

While “raw” desserts usually rely on fructose-filled dried fruits, this one is made with cashews and protein-rich maca powder instead. Slathered in dark chocolate, these might be the healthiest lollipops out there!


5. Aussie Splice Blocks

These freezable treats are perfect for hot days when you can’t handle the kitchen heat. They feature all the goodness of avocado and spinach on a stick and will keep the kids feeling – and looking – cool.  

I Quit Sugar: Aussie Splice Popsicles

6. Raspberry Gummies

Made with only three ingredients (and no oven) these gummies require almost no parental intervention. Unless you want to sample their gut lovin’ goodness for yourself, of course!

I Quit Sugar: Simplicious - Raspberry Gelatin recipe

7. LCM Bars

Although some stove-top melting means a little adult supervision, these no-bake LCM Bars are just as tasty but infinitely healthier than their store-bought counterparts. They set in the fridge in 15 minutes, but there is no guarantee that they will last as long once you take them out.

LCM bars

We originally published this article in March 2016. We updated it in December 2016. 

Do you have any aspiring masterchefs? What are their favourite recipes?


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