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Eat like it’s 1934! (And 4 other JERFing pro tips)

Written By Unknown on Monday 11 July 2016 | 13:03

Quitting sugar can give you so much more than clearer skin, better sleep and more energy.

Because when you quit sugar, you’re also quitting crappy, processed foods which are heavily manipulated to make you insatiable (that’s why you can’t stop at one biscuit). This means you gradually get back your “food freedom” and only eat to satisfy what your body really, truly needs.

We call this JERFing (Just Eat Real Food!). Quitting sugar revolves around this one easy, elegant philosophy – focus on fresh, eat the whole food and remember how our great-grandparents used to eat before high fructose corn syrup and monosodium glutamate stormed the scene.

Intrigued? Here are five simple steps to get you JERFing in no time.

1. KISS (keep it simple stupid).

Choose real food with the least number of ingredients. If it doesn’t need an ingredients list even better (when was the last time you saw one on fresh broccoli?). Focus on local, seasonal fare; it’s all about quality not quantity. Remember: simple doesn’t have to be bland and boring (exhibit A: our One-Pan Turmeric Chicken Drumsticks).

2. Bulk up.

Buy all your veggies, grains and nuts in bulk when they’re in season. They’ll be cheaper then too. Divide them into portions, freeze and pull them out when time is short. You’ll never have an excuse not to JERF again!

3. Eat everything.

We’re talking carrot nubs, celery stalks, meat trimmings – everything! You’ll gain nutrients, save money and add delicious taste and texture to your dishes (buy organic to avoid nasty pesticides that linger on some fruit and veggies). If you don’t need the odds and ends straight away, pop them in a freezer bag and freeze them, to use in stock or soup later down the line.

4. Domesticate yourself.

Cooking is without a doubt the absolute best way to JERF. It means you know what’s going into your food. Learning to cook properly is a skill you will keep for a lifetime – like riding a bike, only… food. And learning how to cook is one of the biggest skills people walk away with after joining our I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program.

5. Eat like it’s 1934.

Eating real food is about getting back to how our grandparents (and great-grandparents) used to eat. Meat and three veg, real butter, the whole egg and chicken skin… that’s what we’re talking about! (Exhibit B: our Par-Slow Braised Lamb Shanks + 5 Variations).

We originally published this article in December 2015. We updated it in July 2016.


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