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8 ways quitting sugar changed my life (by a reformed yo-yo dieter)

Written By Unknown on Friday 24 June 2016 | 00:56

Hi, my name is Zoe and I reckon I’m a sugar addict.

So I became one of those people who quit the white stuff. I’m not here to tell people how they should eat, or what they should eat. Because I have no dietary or nutritional qualifications, and also because I am a big believer in finding what works for you and going with that.

For a long time, I was trying to find what worked for me. But I now have to say that Sarah Wilson’s I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program changed my life. Huge statement! Massive! But I’ve been thinking back and, yep. Life changed.

I first found Sarah Wilson a few years ago – before quitting sugar was really talked about in mainstream media. My life was one big “diet” and I really felt addicted to sugar. I had been calorie counting, doing a few other meal/exercise programs and just generally obsessing over food and exercise. I stumbled across Sarah’s “experiment” of cutting down on processed and artificial sugar and decided to give it a go.

And, well, I loved it so much that I’ve done every Program since.

So how has it helped me?

1. I don’t count calories anymore!

I don’t think about the numbers, and I don’t count how many days I’ve been sugar-free. I have food freedom, which for me means freedom of constant food thoughts, and not always thinking about food. I pretty much eat three meals a day, and in between I’m not hungry.

2. I have ditched low-fat foods and artificial sweeteners.

It wasn’t just sugar that I couldn’t get enough of. I was constantly chewing gum and downing diet soft drinks. But no more! And, as a result, I eat more good fats – full-cream milk, butter, avocado, nuts. I eat cheese. I also eat bread, although I like to make my own. Because who can live without bread and cheese!

3. I’ve learnt how to cook real food!

Eating real food, not processed, is what I prefer. For me, cutting out sugar is not a restrictive behaviour. I know what food restriction is like – I used to do it. Now, if someone brings out a cake for office morning tea, I’m happy to admire it but generally don’t want to eat it. I don’t have the desire for it.

4. I’ve made things I never thought I’d like.

Mushrooms on toast for breakfast? Zucchini noodles?! Yep, love ’em. And quitting sugar doesn’t mean you miss out on nourishing, hearty meals – curries, slow-cooked meats, lots of veggies, it’s all there. I still think I can be pretty lazy when it comes to cooking but I have gotten into a habit of cooking up on a weekend and having a freezer stash for times when I just can’t be bothered!

5. I’ve also learnt about the healing properties of foods.

Like fermented foodskombucha and kefir, and bone broth. I even make some myself! And my latest obsession has been using gelatin to make gummy lollies!

6. I have become more aware about sustainability and food waste.

This is definitely one I’m working on, but making mish-mash meals, throwing bits and pieces together, are things I had never really given much thought to. I do now!

7. I don’t make a lot of sweet things.

I really only eat those sparingly. I mainly use rice malt syrup for sugar replacement. I don’t completely shy away from sugar, and I do sometimes eat snack junk foods (hey, I am human!). But I do try to avoid processed sugar where possible as it can affect me, and I can’t stomach a lot anyway!

8. I don’t focus on the number on the scales.

I’d say my weight has gone back to its default setting now, which is what can happen when you cut out the empty sugars. I have previously been quite below my average weight and a bit above it.

Another massive part of the program is the people involved. The people I have met through the 8-Week Program have been amazing. I didn’t use Instagram much before I joined the IQS community, but that has changed! I have become friends with lots of other participants and found help from the 8-Week Program experts from all fields that answer questions and provide support.

While quitting sugar isn’t the only thing I have done to help my health, it’s definitely had a massively positive effect on my life. And while it hasn’t been a cure-all for all my health issues (still a work in progress!), the benefits have been so great that I see it as a lifestyle change more than anything.


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