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Why staying active as you age is vital!

Written By Unknown on Monday 5 February 2018 | 17:30

As our life expectancy continues to increase, so too does the demand for adult fitness training.

The great news is, no matter whether you’re already into fitness or not, it’s never too late to start! And, it’s important to remember the myriad of ways that exercise can benefit us as we get older…

  • Exercise encourages us to use our body and energy systems.

  • Helps us to maintain a social network.

  • Stimulates the mind and encourages us to learn new movement patterns.

  • Enables us to feel useful as we age.

  • Maintains quality of life!

There are also a bunch of physiological changes that occur when we age – our range of motion decreases, so too does our muscular power, we fatigue more quickly as our glycogen stores decrease, neurologically our reaction times slow and in terms of our cardiovascular fitness, we experience a reduction in our maximum heart rate and an increase in blood pressure. From the age of 30 we also lose between three and five per cent of the muscle mass we naturally carry, causing us to lose muscle function –  a condition called sarcopenia.

According to the Department of Health, there are five physical activity recommendations we should adhere to as we age…

1. Older people should do some form of physical activity, no matter what their age, weight, health problems or abilities.

2. Older people should be active every day in as many ways as possible, doing a range of physical activities that incorporate fitness, strength, balance and flexibility.

3. Older people should accumulate at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity on most, preferably all, days.

4. Older people who have stopped physical activity, or who are starting a new physical activity, should start at a level that is easily manageable and gradually build up the recommended amount, type and frequency of activity.

5. Older people who continue to enjoy a lifetime of vigorous physical activity should carry on doing so in a manner suited to their capability into later life, provided recommended safety procedures and guidelines are adhered to.

As ageing is inevitable for us all (sorry!) it’s important to remember the many benefits of staying active….

  • Reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression.

  • Boosts mood and wellbeing.

  • Increases mobility, subsequently boosting our confidence.

  • Improves social interactions, quality of life and increases the likelihood we are able to live independently.

  • Supports cognitive function.

  • Helps reduce blood pressure.

  • Improves muscle mass and cardio fitness.

  • Reduces joint swelling and pain associated with arthritis.

  • Reduces risk of mortality from heart disease, diabetes, stroke and colon cancer.

  • Maintains bone, muscle and joint health.

Still need more convincing? While it can sometimes be tough to stay motivated when it comes to staying active – at any age – it’s important to keep moving, at every opportunity.


About Unknown


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