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It’s quiz time! What’s your foodie type?

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 14 February 2018 | 10:02

Avocado or sweet potato? Spag Bol or slow-cooked lamb? Take our quiz and find out what kind of foodie you really are…

This time, we’re going old school! So grab a pencil and a piece of paper and jot down which letter you choose for each question. When you’re done, scroll down to the bottom of the page to discover your foodie type!

Let’s go!

1. It’s breakfast time, you choose…

a) Jam on toast as you’re walking out the door.

b) What breakfast?

c) Overnight chia oats that you prepped the night before.

d) Poached eggs on buttered sourdough.

2. You’ve got $10 to spend at the supermarket, you…

a) Grab a packet of muesli bars and some fruit for school lunches.

b) Make a beeline for the confectionery aisle. There might be a 3 for $10 deal happening!

c) Save your money for the Saturday farmers market.

d) Go on the hunt for haloumi. It’s become a fridge staple.

3. You’re at your local cafe for lunch, you pick…

a) A salad wrap and a fresh juice – easy to eat with one hand!

b) A milkshake and a bowl of wedges.

c) A buddha bowl and a piccolo with almond milk.

d) A hearty roast-veggie sandwich and some water.

4. Your number one kitchen staple is…

a) Trail mix – quick and easy!

b) A big bag of chips.

c) Gelatin. Or maybe coconut oil. Also raw cacao.

d) Extra virgin olive oil.

5. If you were a fruit or vegetable, you would be…

a) Frozen peas.

b) Tomato sauce – it counts, right?

c) Avocado.

d) Sweet potato.

6. Your friends prepare you a beautiful, home-cooked meal. You…

a) Are so thankful for a night off! YES!

b) Have never seen so many vegetables in your life.

c) Tell everyone to wait while you snap a photo.

d) Dig in and ask for the olive oil.

7. Your friends are coming for dinner, you cook…

a) Spag Bol – they don’t need to know you’ve eaten the same thing for the past week.

b) Cook? Ha. You’re ordering pizza.

c) Nothing – you and your friends would rather brunch instead.

d) Slow-cooked lamb with a bottle of red.

Mostly A: The ‘Well-Intentioned’…
You once bought a packet of quinoa at the supermarket, inspired by the possibility of all the healthy meals you could cook up! But then you forgot about it, somewhere in between going to work, picking up your kids from school and walking the dog. Your go-to meal is microwaved scrambled eggs on toast and you tend to follow the old ‘meat and three veg’ guidelines when you’re cooking for your family. You’d like to start taking care of yourself a little more but don’t really know where to begin. One day, when you have time, you’ll plan out all your meals for the week ahead.

i quit sugar - It’s quiz time! What’s your foodie type?
Best IQS book for you:
 Slow Cooker Cookbook
Best IQS program for you: 8-Week Program

Mostly B: The ‘Newbie’…
You’ve just tumbled down the rabbit hole of health and you’re intrigued by what you’ve discovered! You’ve never really given much thought to your health and, until now, haven’t bothered learning how to pronounce ‘quinoa’. You’re wary of anything too ‘out there’ in the culinary world and think it’s strange that people drink suspiciously-coloured smoothies for breakfast. Liquid veggies? Gross! You don’t know your fructose from your glucose… but you might just willing to learn.

i quit sugar - what's your foodie type

Best IQS book for you: I Quit Sugar
Best IQS program for you: Kickstarter

Mostly C: The ‘Wellness Warrior’…
You’re up to date on current wellness trends and have probably even started a few yourself. Your cupboard is packed with adaptogens, Gut Lovin’ Gelatin, organic veggies and bone broth. You love trying new foods – as long as they’re sustainable and local, of course – and your Instagram is basically a never-ending stream of food porn, wellness tips and reishi lattes. You #JERF on the daily and the farmers at your local market know you by name. Admittedly, sometimes it can be hard to navigate all the ‘healthy’ vegan treats at your local cafe – fructose overload!

i quit sugar - what's your foodie type

Best IQS book for you: Simplicious
Best IQS Program: 7-Day Reboot

Mostly D: The ‘Enthusiast’…
You totally aced the I Quit Sugar 8-Week Program and felt amazing! Despite growing up in the low-fat era, you cautiously ditched skim milk and eventually embraced butter with open arms! You love cooking and preparing nourishing meals for your family, but they don’t always ‘get you’. They let you do your sugar-free thing as long as you don’t get too preachy. Your friends often tell you how fabulous you look – and you feel it too! You’re reinvigorated, full of energy and your skin looks better than it has in years. In fact, you might just sign up for one more round…

i quit sugar - what's your foodie type

Best IQS book for you: I Quit Sugar For Life
Best IQS program: 8-Week Program


About Unknown


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