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Is that a walnut, or a brain? PLUS, 5 other functional foods…

Written By Unknown on Monday 30 October 2017 | 17:09

We’ve all heard the old wives’ tales, “Carrots will make you see in the dark”, or, “Eating your crusts will make your hair curly!”

But while we probably all rolled our eyes and thought nothing of these tales at the time, turns out there’s actually some truth to them. In fact, these functional foods are not only delish, but they’ll also boost the body part they resemble…

Carrots for your eyes.

Yep, you’ll be able to see in the dark in no time! A sliced carrot with the exposed core looks like your iris and pupil and because they’re high in beta-carotene, they’ll actually boost your vitamin A levels to prevent you from developing cataracts in the future. Plus, carrots are high in the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin which both help protect your eyes from any blue light damage. Make sure to nibble on some crunchy carrots next time you’re working at your laptop!

Walnuts for your brain.

Those wiggly little indents in walnuts totally make them look like your noggin. Walnuts are the best nuts to boost your brain function and with a higher concentration of omega-3, not only do they enhance brain performance, but they help combat deterioration too. One study even found that eating walnuts could prevent the development of the protein in the brain that’s linked to Alzheimer’s! Chocolate + Walnut Brownies, anyone?

Ginger for your stomach.

A bulb of ginger has a similar oval shape to your stomach, and it’s just what you need to ease nausea and soothe any digestive issues. But adding this super spice to your food isn’t just for your palate – it also helps your gut absorb all the precious nutrients you’re consuming. Win, win.

Avocados for your uterus.

It’s no coincidence that avos take nine months to grow from a blossom to a ripened fruit! Not only is an avo similar in shape to a uterus, but they’re high in vitamin E and monounsaturated fats which help to balance hormones. Plus, they’re a good source of folic acid which is essential if you’re looking to conceive. As if we needed more reasons to love avocados!

Beans for your kidneys.

Kidney beans didn’t get that name by accident. Your kidneys work as your personalised filtration system, and munching on some kidney beans will help them get to work. As well as boosting your magnesium and potassium levels (which can prevent kidney stones forming), kidney beans are high in fibre which helps to stabilise blood sugar. Why not try these Beef, Red Bean + Egg Tacos for Taco Tuesday?

Mushrooms for your ears.

Yep, you guessed it – a mushy cut in half resembles your ear! And, believe it or not, as mushrooms are high in vitamin D (which supports healthy bones), eating mushrooms helps to keep the three main bones in your ear strong and transmitting sound – ultimately helping to prevent hearing loss!

Do you have a favourite functional food? Tell us in the comments below.


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