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How to have a sugar-free Halloween

Written By Unknown on Monday 30 October 2017 | 11:09

We’re not sure what’s scarier… your Halloween costume or the amount of sugar your kids are about to eat!

In fact, some kids will eat up to three cups of sugar tonight!

While we love this spooky holiday and the opportunity to enjoy a few treats, here are a few easy things you can do to steer clear of the sweet stuff…

First things first, eat dinner before you go trick-or-treating.

Let’s be honest, your kids are going to be super excited and they probably will nosh on more sugar than usual. But to prep their lil’ tums, have a family meal before you head out the door. You could even theme dinnertime to suit the occasion and serve Dracula’s Nutty Teeth or some Pork + Fennel Sausage Rolls with your very own “Blood Sauce”. If you fill up before you hit the road, there’s less room for an overload of sweets, and you might even prevent that crazy sugar crash. Win, win.

I Quit Sugar - Nutty Teeth

Dramatise the dress-ups.

Throwing yourself wholeheartedly into dress-ups and costumes will take the emphasis off the sugary treats. You could even step up your Halloween repertoire and hand out spooky temporary tattoos, fangs, spiders or even glow-in-the-dark toys instead of the sweet stuff.

Make your own chocolates.

One of the easiest ways to cut back on sugar is to make your own sweet treats! If chocolate’s your thing, try our Not-So-Bat-For-You Cookies – they’re gluten-free too so everyone can have a nibble. Or, try our Chocolate Nut Butter Cups – you can whip them up in just 20 minutes. Just be mindful that these tasty treats contain nut butter!

I Quit Sugar - Not-So-Bat-For-You Cookies

Try some spooky gelatin gummies…

If chocolate doesn’t tickle your taste buds, you’ve got to check out our Speckled Sour Gummy Worms. Not only are these wiggly worms perfect for Halloween, but the gelatin will help soothe any upset tums after the Halloween madness!

I Quit Sugar - Speckled Sour Gummy Worms

And, if you do fall off the sugar-free wagon…

Hey, it happens! If you indulge a little too much, whip up Sarah’s Recalibrating Pork Meal to get you and your family back on track. It will take your taste buds back to the sugar-free basics, and reset you for the rest of the week!


About Unknown


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