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The 7 best sugar-free comeback stats

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 6 September 2017 | 18:09

We’re not going to lie, when you make the fantastic decision to go sugar-free, you’re going to run into naysayers who just don’t understand what the sugar-free life’s all about.

While you can expect a bunch of health benefits from our 8-Week Program like boosted energy, a stable mood, clear skin and a deeper sleep (to name a few), it’s always a good idea to arm yourself with a few comeback stats to silence any doubters…

98% of people keep cooking our recipes once they finish the Program.

Yep, nearly everyone who completes our Program thinks the dishes are yummy enough to keep cooking them – so add them to your recipe collection and return to them time and time again!

97% of men who complete the Program would recommend it to a friend.

And, we thought males were hard to please!

95% of people find the food tasty.

Discover a load of new flavours and spices – the 8-Week Program recipes will tickle your taste buds, that’s for sure!

95% of 8-Week Program graduates say the meals are filling.

Tasty and filling?! Looks like it ticks all the boxes.

93% realise how easy it is to eat healthy after finishing the Program.

Cooking healthy food doesn’t need to be hard, in fact we make it as easy as possible by embracing the Sunday Cook-Up.

If weight loss is your goal, 80% of people who lose weight on our Program shed more than 3 kilos!

While we can’t guarantee that you’ll lose weight, these stats speak for themselves! It’s quite possible that when you cut out fructose and other processed foods you’ll naturally lose a few kilos, effortlessly!

91% of males lose weight on our Program.

As for the men, nearly all of our grads whittle their waistline – go you guys!

Maybe these fantastic stats will convince those doubters to jump on the sugar-free wagon with you!


About Unknown


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