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Should I eat pre or post-workout?

Written By Unknown on Sunday 17 July 2016 | 23:37

While we can’t out-train an unhealthy diet, most experts agree that we should try and move our bodies every day.

From improving sleep to boosting immunity, exercise can have a huge effect on our physical and mental health. And how we combine it with another important activity we do rather a lot of – eating – has a pretty major impact on the rewards we reap.

The big question on everyone’s lips though (along with that protein bar) is whether we should eat before or after exercise. Turns out, most of us should be doing both!

Maxing the right stuff.

Before a workout, your body needs fuelling so it has the energy to get you through that second set of jump squats. Afterwards, your body needs a hit of nutrients to help it recover.

So it’s not really a question of “if” you should eat before or after. It’s more a question of “when” and (of course) “what”.

Time it right.

As a general rule, we should try to time our workouts so we can eat a full, nutrient-dense meal with plenty of veg, protein and healthy fats two to four hours beforehand (hello, abundance bowls!).

Then we should top up about an hour before with a hit of complex carbs, if we need to. “Think sweet potato puree, oats or Coco Nutty Granola,” suggests personal trainer, fitness and food coach and IQS Expert Diana Tencic.

That said, some people find it easier and more effective to train on an empty tummy, and that’s also fine if it works for you.

Quick recovery.

Afterwards, you’ll want to grab some lean proteins to restore energy and rebuild muscle. Aim to eat between half an hour and two hours post hitting the showers, suggests Diana.

Post-workout is also prime time to top up on carbohydrate sources like rice, sweet potato, fruit or a sneaky rice malt syrup-sweetened treat. “This is because after exercise, your body is primed to shuttle these carbohydrates into your muscles for recovery and energy, as opposed to storing them as fat,” says our in-house dietician Natalie Bourke.

Chicken with sweet potatoes, tuna with rice cakes or a high-quality protein powder with coconut water will do the trick. Gelatin gummies like our Supercharged Peanut Butter Fudge are also fast and furious sources of protein, with gut-lovin’ properties to boot!

Early risers.

If you love starting the day with a 6am spin class, you’re going to be a little pushed for fuelling time. But Diana still advises snacking on something simple before leaving the house if you train better on a full tum. “Try a vanilla almond smoothie or avo on rice toast,” she suggests.

Night owls.

If you prefer to sweat it out later in the evening, it’s still beneficial to get a little protein in before hitting the hay. Whip up a batch of these for a tasty protein-filled dessert you’ll want to run home for!

Always give the Gatorade a miss.

Yep, fuelling your workout with sugary energy drinks and bars is definitely not doing you any favours.

“Sugar will cause a sharp spike in your blood sugar levels then a big drop, probably right when you’re about to do your first burpee,” says Natalie. “And those things are hard enough already!”

What’s your favourite post-workout snack?


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