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Why your body benefits from a seasonal reset

Written By Unknown on Thursday 15 June 2017 | 13:08

We get it. It can be tough to stay on the straight and narrow when it comes to healthy living (especially as the weather begins to cool down).

But before you succumb to the comfort of your couch and ditch your good intentions until next summer, here are some ways you can hit refresh this week.

Go clean and green.

If you’ve recently fallen off the sugar-free wagon, it can be beneficial to clear the crap out of your diet, even if it’s just for a week!

On our 7-Day Reboot you are guaranteed to nosh on 7–9 serves of veggies every single day. Not only does this help to recalibrate your palette (so you’re not craving the sweet stuff round the clock), but filling your plate with nutrient-dense food will leave your mind and body feeling fresh and clear!

Bust a move.

We’re not saying you need to join a gym and slog it out on the treadmill (unless that tickles your fancy, of course), but aside from the benefits of staying fit, exercise helps to flush out toxins from the body too. If you struggle to stay motivated when it comes to exercise however, why not organise to try out a new yoga class with a friend or go for a walk with one of your work colleagues on your lunchbreak? Every step counts.


Just like your body can benefit from a seasonal reboot by eating healthy whole foods, your mind needs time to reboot and rest too. This week, try to turn your tech off (televisions, tablets and phones included) at least an hour before bedtime. The world isn’t going to end if you miss the latest episode of your favourite show so head to bed early and catch up on reading instead.  

Practise gratitude.

Before you dismiss the act of gratitude as a little too ‘woo-woo’ for you, hear us out. Research now shows that gratitude can actually reduce depressive feelings and improve your quality of sleep. So this week, give it a go by taking a few minutes at the end of your day to list three things you’re most grateful for.


About Unknown


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