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Are you kidney-ing me? 5 everyday habits that harm your kidneys

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 13 June 2017 | 13:00

Kidney health is nothing to joke about.  

So listen up! These five everyday habits could be putting extra strain on your filtration system…

1. You overdo the salt.

Sodium is essential to maintaining the right fluid balance in your body. But fruit and veggies contain enough natural sodium for this. Going to town on the table salt every time you eat causes your kidneys to retain more water in order to dilute the excess sodium.

What can you do? Use table salt sparingly, and if you can, use Himalayan sea salt which is even better!

2. You knock back the coffees.

Actually, any form of caffeine including coffee, tea and soda stimulates extra blood flow which overworks your kidneys.

What can you do? Chill out on the caffeinated drinks. Try boosting your water instead, or if you’re feeling lethargic make sure you’re properly nourished. We always feel energised after a hit of protein!

3. You take painkillers (when you don’t really need to).

Overuse of over-the-counter and prescription painkillers may restrict blood flow to your kidneys and increase the risk of kidney complications.

What can you do? We’re not saying don’t take painkillers. But before you do, ask yourself, what is the cause of your pain and can it be addressed another way? Got a headache? Try guzzling down some water before you reach for those pain meds.

4. You opt for artificial sweeteners.

Step away from the artificial sweeteners… It’s a common misconception that if you want to cut down on the sugary stuff, it’s okay to pump up the artificial sweeteners. We hate to break it to you, but they’re just as harmful. The ones in diet soft drinks have even been linked to renal failure.  

What can you do? Your best bet is to skip the artificial stuff altogether and use IQS approved sweeteners, like stevia or rice malt syrup, if you need a kick of sweetness.

5. You overdose on sugar.

Of course we had to include this one! We harp on about sugar being bad for your whole body. But, research also shows that too much sugar in your diet is linked to kidney stones and kidney disease.

What can you do? Cut your sugar in half RIGHT NOW with these sweets hacks. Or, kick sugar to the curb once and for all with the help of our 8-Week Program. Your kidneys will thank you for it!


About Unknown


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