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7 nutrition mistakes even healthy people make

Written By Unknown on Monday 1 May 2017 | 20:54

Let’s face it: nutrition can be hella confusing!

And with all the conflicting and contradictory info out there, it can be easy to make the odd mistake when it comes to nourishing your body the healthy way.

Here are seven nutrition mistakes even healthy people make.

1. You drink juices religiously.

Still think a glass of apple juice is the write way to start the day? What if we told you in can contain the same amount of sugar as a can of Coke?

Juices strip the fibre from fruit, leaving behind the water and the sugar. Which gets dumped on your liver to process all at once (and freaks it right out).

We suggest sipping on a smoothie. Smoothies leave you feeling more satisfied, they don’t swamp your liver with sugar, and they don’t waste. Winning!

2. You make bliss balls filled with honey and dates.

Unfortunately, dates and honey are not the sugar-free alternatives health food stores would have you think.

When we talk about quitting sugar at IQS, we’re really talking about fructose, the addictive, disease-causing half of table sugar. Honey still contains about 40 per cent fructose, while dates contain roughly 30 per cent.

Ditch these fructose-heavy sugar substitutes and try these 17 other ways to jazz up your bliss balls instead.

3. You trust “sugar-free” or “fat-free” messaging.

Manufacturers love the fact that understanding nutrition labels often requires a crash course in hieroglyphics.

Why? Because then it’s harder for you to realise just how much sugar and other added nasties they’re cramming into your food.

Our suggestion? Don’t trust what you read on the front of the packet! Here’s what you need to look for when reading a nutrition label.

4. You skip the olive oil dressing on your salad.

If you’re avoiding fats in an effort to make your salad healthier, you’re probably not getting the most out of those leafy greens!

A bit of fat is actually crucial for absorbing essential vitamins. Plus, it keeps you fuller for longer, so you’re less likely to binge on the Krispy Kremes come 3pm. Not all salad dressings are created equal though, so make sure you’re picking the right ones.

5. You cut out fruit to cut back on sugar.

But forget about the benefits of real, whole fruit!

Yep, fruit has fructose in it. But fresh, whole fruit has plenty of fibre and nutrients to slow down that sugar dumpage on your liver.

We recommend sticking to one or two pieces of fresh fruit a day, and avoiding juiced or dried.

6. You chose margarine over butter.

Margarine is an abomination, to put it bluntly. Rather than chowing down on something processed in a lab under some truly shocking conditions, stick to the delicious, nutritious REAL food ingredient that is butter!

If butter just isn’t you’re thing, here are 6 healthy butter substitutes that aren’t margarine.


About Unknown


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