The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet challenge starts January 2, 2023! Learn how to detox from sugar and refined carbs easily and without withdrawal symptoms, end cravings, and lose weight!

The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet
If you've tried all the diets, lost some weight, but inevitably gained it back, time and time again, it's time to try a different method.
Losing weight isn't the problem, it's keeping it off.
My new book, The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet takes you through a whole food detox to break those old habits, learn how to tackle triggers and get off that rollercoaster of yo-yo weight loss and gain, to achieve your happy weight once and for all.
Anyone who is dealing with sugar cravings would be a could candidate to eliminate sugary foods, refined carbs and processed foods that contain sugar.
Eating whole foods, going back to basics with whole proteins, vegetables, and healthy fats can be all that is needed to reduce and eliminate sugar cravings.
If you are on a weight loss journey, eating too much sugar can certainly stall your progress, cause cravings and spike blood sugar levels.If you have had a difficult time moderating your sugar intake, the best way to see if you have a sugar addiction problem is to remove sugar cold turkey.
That alone will quickly tell you how sugar consumption is effecting you, especially when you remove it for a short time.
Even if you just feel you have a strong sweet tooth or simply just a bad habit of consuming a lot of sugar, doing a 30-day sugar-free diet will benefit you.
How Does the Sugar Detox Challenge work?
All you need to do this sugar elimination diet challenge is get a copy of my new book, The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet.
Everyone who has this book is invited to join the private Facebook group with others who will also be doing the challenge together.
Once you have your book, you can join the Facebook group and meet others to find a buddy and support system. The challenge begins January 2, 2023!!
The Sugar Detox Process
Sugar cravings or eating for comfort, can be seen as bad habits that grew overtime from how you respond to daily stress, anxiety, boredom, upset, etc.
The good news is that unhealthy habits or old habits that you've used over a long time in your life to deal with struggles, can be overcome. But it does require a bit more than the 21-day rule or myth to remove an unwanted habit and establish a solid habit change for the better.
Behavioral changes and habit formation is an ongoing process, but the length of time will vary for each person and is dependent on a variety of factors.
Unfortunately when you decide to eliminate your favorite junk food; sugar and refined carbs can feel like an addictive substance that haunts you with cravings.
The best way to fight sugar cravings and create a new habit is to not give in to those temptations and reward that addictive behavior, which can be the hardest part.
Often when you go cold turkey, withdrawal symptoms can occur, but I have found effective ways to teach my clients how to combat this, as well as remove the harmful habits that have caused their weight gain in the first place.
Where do I Buy The 30-Day Sugar Elimination Diet?
For international with free shipping worldwide, Book Depository
After you purchase, you can request to join the Facebook group just for this challenge.
I look forward to helping you achieve your health goals for 2023!!

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