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The realistic guide to self-care Sunday

Written By Unknown on Saturday 24 February 2018 | 14:02

Does self-care Sunday seem like an impossible (and very distant) dream? Well, it shouldn’t…

For many of us, the self-care movement seems like an unnecessary indulgence. Face masks and nail painting, lattes and walks on the beach – yeah right!? Just schedule it all in between walking the dog, making dinner and going to the gym…

If this sounds a little like your internal monologue, then hear us out. Effective self-care doesn’t need to take hours upon hours. Prioritising a window of time for yourself – whether it be five mins or five hours – will benefit your loved ones just as much as it benefits you. When you’re calm and content, you’re also better company – a better friend, a better family member, a better human all around.  

When you’ve got two minutes…

Breathe deeply. Ever feel like you forget to breathe in the hustle and bustle of life? Experts suggest that breathing deeply, with long exhalations, activates the body’s parasympathetic nervous system. This part of the nervous system actually helps the body to relax, so by taking two minutes out to breathe slowly, and with intention, you’ll start to feel calmer. Give it a go!

When you’ve got five minutes…

Meditate! It might sound like a big boring waste of time, but guided meditations can be seriously grounding, refreshing and calming! In fact, apps like Calm and Headspace are pretty much shortcuts to a clear mind. Even after five minutes, you’ll find that your mental clarity improves and you’ll be far more present when you return to reality.

When you’ve got ten minutes…

Read a book! When was the last time you sat down to read a book and actually enjoyed it? And no, scanning the front page of the newspaper doesn’t count! Let yourself sink into a good work of fiction, or grab a cookbook and get inspired by some new recipes for the week ahead. If this means turning off your mobile for ten minutes, so be it!

When you’ve got half an hour…

Make a body scrub – and actually use it! Store-bought scrubs that contain microbeads are doing our oceans a massive disservice, so try our homemade version instead. It’ll have your skin looking beautiful, bright and squeaky clean. You can even add your favourite essential oils for a touch of luxe.

When you’ve got an hour…

Go for walk in nature! Find a local park, or even better, go bush-bashing or beach-walking. It might not sound particularly luxurious, but the combination of nature and movement is a big win for the brain and the body! Most of us know that exercise releases feel-good endorphins, but there are also a heap of psychological benefits that can be gleaned from spending time in nature.

When you’ve got a few hours…

Meal prep! Chuck on some tunes, whack on your apron and get creative in the kitchen. While it’s not the most glamorous weekend endeavour, meal prepping is actually pretty relaxing – you can let your mind unravel while your hands do the work. What’s more, you’ll have more time throughout the week to catch up on Stranger Things, enjoy a twilight walk or pop on a face mask. Win, win!

When you’ve got the whole day…

Why not enjoy all of the things above? Not every weekend needs to be full to the brim with parties, social occasions and to-do lists. In fact, it’s totally okay (and pretty beneficial) to embrace a quiet weekend every now and then. So spend some time with yourself!


About Unknown


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