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News flash: quitting sugar works for everyone!

Written By Unknown on Saturday 24 February 2018 | 10:02

Anyone – and we mean anyone – can reap the rewards of a low-sugar life…

This isn’t a movie, people. And these stories aren’t just ‘inspired by’ or ‘based on’ real events – they really are REAL people with REAL stories to tell. We gotta admit, it warms our hearts to know that our IQS graduates have experienced such positive transformations, of both body and mind. Wondering if quitting sugar will work for you? Get ready to be inspired…


Connor and Hollie not only lost weight in the lead up to their wedding, but they also conceived! Prior to starting the 8-Week Program, Hollie suffered from PCOS symptoms that made it difficult to fall pregnant. Together, the couple started following the 8-Week Program exactly eight weeks before the wedding, and then, five days before the big day, Connor and Hollie were delighted by some amazing news – they would be welcoming a baby boy in January 2018! Quitting sugar had reduced Hollie’s PCOS symptoms and her period had become regular again, allowing them to conceive. So congrats, guys!

Medical professionals…

As we all know, GPs work long and hard to treat their patients – and Jenny is no exception! With an increased workload and more hours on the job, she began to find it difficult to maintain her healthy eating habits. She reached for sweet treats, muesli bars and pies as quick fixes, but soon became lethargic and struggled to visit all her wards at work. Her sugar-consumption began to mess with her weight, sleep patterns and general health so after gaining 15kgs and suffering regularly from headaches, she joined the 8-Week Program and rediscovered her love of cooking! She lost weight, her energy returned, those pesky headaches are now a thing of the past – and she sleeps like a (happy) baby. Go Jenny!

Calorie counters…

Kelly was trapped in a cycle of calorie restriction, binge eating and exercise-induced anxiety. She couldn’t understand why she was often moody and always tired – she had such a ‘good’ diet! After signing up to our 8-Week Program (a week before Easter!), Kelly learned what it really meant to #JERF. Initially, she found it tough but pushed through to experience clarity of mind, increased energy, weight loss, and no more anxiety! Hooray!

Anxious folk…

Sarah’s story is a tearjerker! After struggling significantly with anxiety, Sarah turned to junk food to soothe herself. She began to gain weight and her blood pressure skyrocketed (even on meds!). She was also experiencing aches, heart palpitations and a permanently upset stomach. After an anxiety-induced breakdown, Sarah decided that she needed to make a change. She joined our 8-Week Program and was delighted that all of the planning was taken care of – she had time to focus on her mental health! She loved the new culinary skills that she acquired as well as the knowledge about health that she gained. What’s more, all of her health issues (even her deep-rooted anxiety!) settled and she lost 14kgs in the process!

Busy mums…

After Jenna’s son was born, she ate relatively well in the years that followed. However, as most mums and dads understand, sleep deprivation became a real issue. Jenna began to reach for caffeinated soft drinks and sugary foods for a burst of quick energy. Shortly after, a full-blown sugar addiction kicked in – Jenna quickly gaining around 22kgs. Jenna felt unhealthy, fatigued and was the least active she had ever been. Food, she decided, was running her life! After a desperate Google search, she stumbled across our 8-Week Program. Her first two weeks were tough – headaches, moodiness and fatigue ensued. But then, things began to flow – Jenna started feeling and seeing results. She lost a whopping 24kgs, her moods were stable and her acne reduced. Jenna loved the feeling of satisfaction she experienced between meals and her energy bounced back twofold! Applause, please!


120 kilometres of running a week. Can you even imagine? Add in some weight training, a couple of yoga sessions, some core strengthening and you’ve got yourself a week in the life of Leah – mum, marathon runner and coeliac. While Leah had no issue sticking to her exercise regime, she often found herself reaching for chocolate bars and refined snacks. Her eating patterns were erratic and she was chronically constipated and fatigued. Coeliac disease made it even harder for her to maintain a healthy diet, and eventually, she stopped eating altogether… for two weeks! Leah was committed to running the New York marathon in 2016, and decided that she would drag out her copy of I Quit Sugar as nutritional support. Leah suffered headaches as she ‘detoxed’ from sugar, but eventually, she felt better than ever before! She was more eager to train, and with the support of her husband and kids, she smashed her goals (without a skim mocha in sight!). Oh yeah, did we mention that she was the first woman to cross the finish line in the New York Marathon?


At 107kgs, Ashleigh felt unwell, out of control and addicted to sugar. She’d even undergone knee surgery as a result of her weight (which classified her as obese at the time). As a medical student, Ashleigh worried that her future patients wouldn’t trust her advice and consider her a hypocrite. The answer was to kick her addiction and quit sugar for good. Since then, she’s never looked back! Ashleigh has lost 15kgs (and counting) and has the energy to train every morning at 6:30am. Major mood swings are a thing of the past, her concentration is at its peak, her skin is acne-free and she totally relishes her new-found food freedom! The best bit? She’s well on her way to becoming the kind of doctor she wants to be! We’re so happy for you Ashleigh!


Anita, a vego of ten years, looked like the picture of perfect health before she began our 8-Week Program. In reality, her wellbeing was suffering. Calorie counting, snacking and Diet Coke were daily habits, all of which lead to massive afternoon energy slumps and binges. She decided that something needed to change. When she started our 8-Week Program, Anita admits that she seriously missed her Diet Coke, but was keen to educate herself about the benefits of real food. She was happy to say goodbye to her iron deficiency and was eating more veggies than ever before! Like most of our 8-Week Program graduates, she experienced improvements in mood, weight loss and boundless energy. Cya later calorie counting!

Have you got a story to tell about your experience on our 8-Week Program? We want to hear from you! 


About Unknown


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