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5 ways to kick your sugar addiction!

Written By Unknown on Friday 23 February 2018 | 14:04

Have you ever experienced an intense craving for soft drink just as you’re about to sit down and enjoy a meal or snack?

Interestingly, some people report that they don’t feel satiated if they cannot drink soda during each meal. But be warned – soft drink has a high sugar content and giving in to your cravings can result in sugar addiction.

Ingesting too much sugar can spike blood sugar levels and as a result, this can lead to diabetes and obesity. Furthermore, your ability to conceive a child can also be affected.

Here are five simple ways to help get rid of your sugar addiction…

Eat natural foods to satisfy cravings for sugary food.

You don’t need to resort to junk foods to satisfy your sweet tooth! There are loads of fruits and veggies that will keep you satisfied. A handful of berries, an apple or a pear can work to satisfy your craving for something sweet and avoid you stuffing yourself with chocolate, ice cream, cookies, soft drinks and other processed foods containing artificial sweeteners.

Drink plenty of water.

When you feel thirsty, it’s your body asking for hydration by drinking water. However, many people quench their thirst by drinking soft drinks and processed fruit juices. While you might notice your thirst is quenched for a short time, you’ll inevitably find yourself craving even more of these sugary drinks. Stick to water whenever you think your throat is drying up.

Embrace exercise and rest.

Ensuring you have enough rest and exercise increases the production of serotonin – AKA, the happiness hormone. And, once you have enough serotonin in your body, you’ll not only feel good and happy, but you’ll be less likely to reach for those unhealthy comfort foods you crave when you’re feeling sad or down.

Opt for fermented foods and drinks.

Why do most people drink wine with their meals? Well, put simply, wine is created from fermented grapes and fermented foods and drinks are known to reduce sugar in your body. Wine has also been linked to a reduced risk of heart ailments too (win!). Other delicious fermented foods to try include sauerkraut, pickles and kimchi!

Load up on green vegetables.

Green veggies boost your energy and reduce your desire to eat sweets like candies, ice cream, cakes, and drink carbonated drinks and artificial fruit juices. Whip up a vegetable salad or enjoy a satiating smoothie by blitzing healthy greens like spinach, collard greens, artichoke and asparagus. By eating nutrient-dense greens regularly, your addiction to sugary foods and artificial sweeteners will naturally subside.

If you’re keen to save yourself from obesity and diabetes, or you’re struggling to conceive, steer clear of any foods with a high sugar content. And if you really need something a little sweet, use a little stevia or rice malt syrup instead.


About Unknown


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