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Your quick guide to our favourite grains

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 1 November 2017 | 11:04

Grains are great. Don’t you agree?

We’re pretty vocal about the fact that we’re not a “diet”, and in fact, we love to add a little rice here and some oats there to boost the nutrient-density of our meals!

But if you’ve ever wondered which is the best grain to add to your tasty dish, you’re in the right place. This is our go-to guide to our favourite grains…


We love to use oats in our recipes (particularly brekkie) as not only are they super versatile, but they’re fuss-free, and if you’re running low on flour – you can just throw in some oats instead! While there are a few different styles of oats, turns out they all have a similar nutritional profile, so no matter which ones you reach for, you’re sure to be sustained. Plus, did you know oats have been proven to lower LDL (the “bad”) cholesterol and could even reduce the risk of developing heart disease? Pass the porridge, please!

Basmati rice.

Choosing your rice can also be a tad confusing – should you reach for brown, white or wild? At IQS, we opt for basmati rice as it has a lower glycemic index (GI) than other kinds, and therefore won’t affect your blood sugar too much. As well as this, basmati is the only type of rice that’s considered “Ayurvedic” as it’s easier to digest and it can balance all three doshas. We think it’s the perfect grain to pair with Sarah’s Vietnamese Chicken Curry!

Okay, disclaimer: the next two “grains” are technically “pseudo grains”, meaning they look like grains and they act like grains, but they’re actually superfood seeds or grasses.


This seed is a nutrient powerhouse! Not only is it gluten-free, but as quinoa contains all nine essential amino acids, it’s one of the only plant-based foods that’s considered a “complete protein”. It’s also high in fibre, iron and magnesium which helps to increase energy and relax muscles. We’d recommend reaching for quinoa if you want to give your meals a protein punch.


Buckwheat is another complete protein source and is naturally gluten-free too! It can be used in a similar way to rice or quinoa, but it’s also a great nutrient-dense flour substitute – try it in our Chai-Spiced Banana Bread, or use the groats in our granola to add a crunchier, nutty flavour.

For more nutrient-dense meals using a range of grains, check out our 8-Week Program!


About Unknown


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