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Work’s hard, but dinner doesn’t have to be!

Written By Unknown on Sunday 5 November 2017 | 19:03

After a long (and probably stressful) day juggling work and the kids, the last thing you likely want to do is whip up a feast.

But what if you didn’t have to? And no, we’re not talking about ordering pizza!

These delicious family meals take nearly no time to pull together – simply pop your ingredients in your slow cooker and flick the switch as you’re heading out the door. By the time you get home, you’ll be greeted by a delicious aroma. Guaranteed.

Hungarian Goulash

This recipe literally sums up “prep ‘n’ forget” – there’s only one step! Pop it all in your slow cooker and dinner’s on the way. It’s one of our faves and will soon become one of yours too!

I Quit Sugar - Hungarian Goulash

Sarah’s Vietnamese Chicken Curry

For this Asian-inspired curry you’ll need to marinate your meat, so we’d recommend prepping this one the night before. After that, simply throw everything into your slow cooker – and Bob’s your Uncle.

I Quit Sugar - Sarah's Vietnamese Chicken Curry

Slow-Cooked Ribs with Duck-Fat Roasted Spuds

Ribs? Yum. Slow-cooked? Even better. Duck-fat roasted spuds? Nuff’ said. If you can’t get your hands on duck-fat (or the flavour’s a bit too intense), sub it out for olive oil or ghee. Easy.


Lemon + Cinnamon Lamb Shanks with Gremolata

Is there anything better than slow-cooked lamb shanks? We think not! This recipe’s straight from the pages of our Slow Cooker Cookbook and perfect for any hungry blokes in the family (plus, they’ll think you’ve slaved away all day!).  

I Quit Sugar - Lemon + Cinnamon Lamb Shanks with Gremolata

For a whopping 85 prep ‘n’ forget meals, check out our Slow Cooker Cookbook!


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