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#Trending: Essential oils

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 8 November 2017 | 19:00

Wherever we look at the moment, someone else seems to be spruiking essential oils…

But, what even are they? And how do you use them?

Well… glad you asked! Here’s everything you need to know about essential oils.

What is an essential oil?

Put simply, essential oils are a concentrated version of the oil that carries the aroma you smell in nature – in flowers, seeds and bark. The oil is extracted from its origin, then distilled and cold pressed to bring you the purest form of oil possible (that’s why they can be a bit pricey!).

Because of their super strong smell, they’re perfect to use in aromatherapy. But other blends boast more than just a nice smell – tea tree and eucalyptus, for example, both contain antiseptic properties so can be used topically, and lavender oil is said to help calm anxiety.

If you’re looking to go down the essential oil road, just make sure you get the right stuff. Some knock off brands are simply vegetable oils with a drop of and lemon scent! You want to get your hands on 100 per cent essential oil.

So, what are the best ways to use them?

A perfume alternative.

We’ve been vocal about the fact that we’re a perfume-free office. But that doesn’t mean we walk around day-to-day stanky! We love to dab a little essential oil on our wrists for a natural fragrance. Some of the office favourites are vanilla and lavender.

Pop some in your water.

If you’re one of those people that just hates the taste of plain ol’ water, essential oils can help! Pop a few drops into your water – lime or grapefruit give a zingy flavour, or try cinnamon for a naturally sweet craving-crusher.

Topical treatment.

As we mentioned before, some essential oils have antibacterial properties which make them perfect to incorporate into your skincare regime. Pop a dab of tea tree oil onto any pimples, or even onto cuts and scrapes. Who knew?! If you have sensitive skin we’d recommend doing a patch test first.

Add some to your cooking.

It may seem a little odd to add such a fragrant oil to your dinner, but because the essential oils are derived from herbs and spices, they can give a flavour punch to your food. Replace your herbs and spices with just drop of essential oil for an intense flavour that’s easily absorbed by your body. Or, you can add a drop to you baking – Peppermint Bliss Balls, anyone? Just make sure to check the bottle and make sure it’s non-toxic first!


About Unknown


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