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The dos and don’ts of sugar-free flying

Written By Unknown on Monday 6 November 2017 | 10:03

There’s no two ways about it, plane food is pretty awful. It’s often stodgy and full of sugar and refined carbs which (let’s be honest) don’t do you any favours on a long-haul flight.

So next time you’re ready to jump on a plane, try these handy tips so you can stay sugar-free during your flight…

1. BYO food.

In order to stay in tip-top health when travelling, the best option is always to bring your own food with you. This way you know exactly what’s in the food you’re eating. Whilst you can’t take any liquids past security, food is totally fine. The options for plane-friendly food are endless…

  • These Sweet Potato, Kale + Feta Muffins are so full of veggies and protein that they are basically a meal.
  • Our Sugar-Free Granola Bars are the ultimate energy snack, but contain none of the sweet stuff that conventional bars do.
  • Chopped up veggie sticks and hummus are also a great option.
  • Otherwise, you can never go astray with a humble sandwich.

2. If you can’t avoid the plane food, make the best choice possible.

Sometimes life happens and you simply can’t avoid eating the in-flight options. Here’s what we would do in that situation:

  • Try to pick the meal which contains the least amount of sauce or dressing. It’s these two additions that often contain the most hidden sugar.
  • Avoid refined carbs (which will just sit in your belly). Instead, just eat the protein and veggies.
  • Munch away on the cheese and fresh fruit on offer (which is our prefered way to eat fruit!)
  • Steer clear of dessert. Whatever’s on offer, it’s safe to say it’ll be packed full of sugar.

3. Stay hydrated.

The plane air can make you dehydrated, so remember to drink lots of water on your trip. The best way to do this is to bring an empty water bottle with you and fill it up after you’ve gone through security. You can also kindly ask the cabin crew to refill it once you’re on the plane.

4. Caffeine is not your friend.

In this instance, it’s best to stay away from coffee. Getting enough quality sleep on a long-haul flight is tough enough, so anything you can do to help yourself catch a few extra zzzs will be for your benefit. Instead, take your favourite teabags with you on the plane. This way you can enjoy your fave herbal tea when you’re 40,000 feet in the air.

5. Move your body.

Getting up and moving around on a long flight is just as important as the food you eat. If you stay put for the entirety of a 12–hour flight, chances are you’ll leave the plane feeling pretty icky. Plus, walking around helps to prevent deep vein thrombosis, which is something you definitely want to steer clear of!


About Unknown


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