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The 7 things our nutritionist ALWAYS buys at the grocery store

Written By Unknown on Thursday 9 November 2017 | 17:45

If there’s one thing I’m really good at, it’s shopping.

And whilst homewares, shoes and stationery are up high up on the list of things I LOVE to buy, I also happen to be one of those few people who actually enjoy going to the supermarket

Although my shopping list varies week-to-week, depending what I’ve got planned for dinner, these are the seven items that it’s safe to say, I never leave the store without…


Surprising, I know – a nutritionist that always buys eggs. But seriously, they’re my go-to breakfast, my back-up lunch and my lazy dinner. If I don’t have them sunny side up for brekkie with some spinach and avo, I’ll add them to a salad at lunch or if I’m having one of those days when I just can’t bring myself to cook a big meal, I’ll oven roast some veg and pop a couple of fried eggs on top for dinner. They’re a great source of protein and fats, which help to keep me nice and full until my next meal. I always opt for free-range organic too, that way I know they’ve come from the healthiest source with the highest nutritional content.

Sirena Tuna (in oil, of course).

I grew up on tuna sandwiches, so while I know a lot of people don’t really like the idea of eating fish out of a can, I’m a fan (unintentional rhyming). Sirena has always been my favourite brand, so you’ll always find a few cans in my shopping basket and a stockpile in my pantry – chilli oil being my absolute favourite. It’s also super convenient and a great way to add a little protein to your lunchtime salad if you forget your leftovers at home. I don’t drain the oil out either, because oil is life and wasting it would be a Greek tragedy.

Nut butter.

My name is Georgia and I’m a nut-butter addict – sometimes I eat it straight from the jar with a spoon! Seriously though, nut butters are my weakness and no matter how many jars I have in my pantry, there’s always room for one more. I always opt for 100 per cent natural, ensuring the only ingredient is the nut itself, that way I know it’s not packing any sugary nasties or preservatives. In the afternoon, if I feel like something sweet, having a spoon (or two) of healthy fat-filled nut butter keeps me at bay until dinner.

Lindt 90% dark chocolate.

Despite its bitterness, I love the taste of 90 per cent dark chocolate! I’ve never had a super sweet tooth and love bitter flavours (you’ll often find me in the office eating lemon wedges!), and I find that a square or two goes a long way. The nutritional profile is actually pretty amazing too, with just 1.3g sugar per serve… perfect if you’re looking for a treat.


Hands down my favourite vegetable. I love them every which way –  fried, grated into salads, shaped into fritters, boiled and dressed with lemon and olive oil, or spiralised with a good mound of bolognese sauce on top. My Papou (grandfather) had a huge vegetable garden and as a kid he’d teach me how to pick them and let me help in the kitchen when he’d make ‘Kolokithokeftedes’ or Greek zucchini balls – so me and the humble zucchini go way back.


… on everything. It’s my second favourite condiment (next to olive oil),  to the point where I squeeze them over my meatballs (don’t knock it til you try it) and even put them on my blueberry pancakes (again, don’t knock it til you try it). I also add a slice or two to my water, as I find it forces me to drink more throughout the day.

Greek yoghurt.

I lived in London for a couple of years and became obsessed with Fage Total Greek Yoghurt. It’s super creamy, it only has three ingredients (pasteurised cow’s milk, cream and live active cultures), and it has a whopping 9g of protein per serve. It’s also low in sugar, so for all of our UK I Quit Sugar fans, I definitely recommend getting your hands on this stuff! If you’re in Aus, my go-to is Farmer’s Union Greek Style Yoghurt for all of the same reasons. Great for brekkie mixed with oats and berries, mixed with tahini for a dipping sauce with some crudites, or if you’re adding lemons to your shopping basket like me, do me proud and whack in some diced cucumber and make some Tzatziki!


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