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How many good choices outweigh a bad one?

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 7 November 2017 | 10:08

So, you’ve fallen off the sugar-free wagon…

Maybe you fell headfirst into a pack of chocolate biscuits, or perhaps it was the ice cream that got you this time… But now? You’re feeling super guilty about it. Well, we’re here to say, STOP!

Sugary slip-ups happen – even the IQS team recently bared all on how we deal with a healthy eating lapse – because at the end of the day we’re all human and these things happen.

But, the fact of the matter is that you don’t need to punish yourself by just eating kale and cucumber from now on. Even if you did make a sugary choice, your best plan of attack is to jump straight back on the sugar-free path and start making good choices again straight away.

In fact, our nutritionist Liv says, “Life is for living! One meal isn’t going to ruin your life (unless you let it), so it’s always better to be kind to yourself instead of getting frustrated. After all, no one is perfect!”

Our in-house nutritionists have specially designed our 7-Day Reboot to be exactly what you need after a lapse – it will reset your taste buds plus, it’s packed with protein, healthy fats and veggies so you don’t feel the need to crumble again!

But to get this healthy eating show on the road right now, you could also…  

  • Drink a little more water to help with any sugar-induced headaches.
  • Add some gelatin to a smoothie or even your coffee to support your gut bugs (and help reduce any bloating!).
  • Cook up Sarah’s Recalibrating Pork Meal for dinner to kickstart your taste buds and get you back on your sugar-free journey.

What else do you after you’ve indulged? Tell us in the comments below!


About Unknown


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