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Hate grocery shopping? We’ve got your back…

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 14 November 2017 | 20:52

If you hate heading to the supermarket, turns out, you’re not alone!

In fact, one survey found that a whopping 52.6 per cent of Aussies are with you. But, before you resort to shopping online (and never leave the house again), here’s how to nail your grocery shop like a #boss.

Prepare a shopping list.

This might seem a little obvious, but if you don’t write a list your shop is destined to fail. After planning out your meals for the week, hit the shops (list in hand) with a game plan… Start with fresh produce, meat and dairy, then pantry and finish with the freezer. If this still sounds too onerous, let us do the thinking for you! On our 8-Week Program we set you up with the perfect sugar-free meal plan and shopping list so you’re good to go.

Make a playlist.

Have you ever noticed that the tunes at your supermarket are slow and sappy? Turns out there’s a reason – not only does it make you walk slower, but you guessed it, it makes you buy more products. One study even found that sales increased by 38.2 per cent when slower music was playing! Our advice? Make a pumping playlist, pop in your headphones and sail around the supermarket – your wallet will thank you too.

Avoid the Saturday morning swarm.

Unless you feel like playing trolley hockey with hundreds of others, stay away at peak times. An interesting study discovered that the best time to do your shopping and beat the crowds was early in the week (Monday and Tuesday to be exact), and you know what that means… hello, stocked shelves and short queues so you’ll be in and out in no time.

NEVER shop on an empty stomach.

Real talk: Everything in the supermarket will look delicious when you’re hungry. Next thing you know, you’re walking away with $150 of junk. So, make sure you grab a snack before you head inside – even a handful of nuts will help curb cravings so you can shop with your brain, and not your tum.

If you’ve got the kids with you, make it a game!

Let’s be honest, plan A is to leave the little ones at home. But, if taking them with you is your only option, whip them up their own mini list. Not only will it make them feel important, but you get a helping hand to find what you’re after. Win, win.

Shop local.

Can’t bear the half hour drive to visit that supermarket? Well don’t! Shopping at your local market is better for the environment, and it means you’ll save yourself the driving time so you can get back to doing all the fun stuff.

What are your hot tips for making your shopping trip more fun? Tell us in the comments below!


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