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4 apps to boost your health RN!

Written By Unknown on Monday 6 November 2017 | 16:08

Whether you’re searching for a little Zen, or simply want some help keeping track of your monthly cycle… there’s an app for that!

These days, most of us are glued to our phones (true story!) – but instead of mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, why not download some of these clever apps and boost your health instead?


Whether you’re a beginner looking to keep track of your walking and running routes, or you have a bigger goal in mind, Runkeeper is designed to keep you motivated. You can select a plan to follow, upload playlists and even compare and contrast past activities to see your progress.


Keeping track of your period can be a hassle, we get it. And with a million different tracking apps out there, it’s hard to know why one is best, right? Well, we investigated and Clue came out top of the list. It’s super easy to use, simply tap the red button in the middle and you can quickly log a number of symptoms – from flow to fitness, sleep, cravings and cramping.


If you’re curious about meditation but simply don’t know where to start, then good news – this is the app for you! Using a super simple 12-step method, you’ll learn to meditate in just 15 minutes a day. At the end of the 12 days, you’ll unlock a 30-day challenge, so you can seamlessly make meditation a daily habit.

5 minute yoga workouts.

Carving out 60 minutes for a yoga class each day isn’t always realistic. But now, you can literally bang out your yoga practice in five minutes. Ideal for beginners, this app takes you through a series of simple postures and sequences so you can boost your flexibility and strength, before you even step out the door in the morning.

Found any other health apps we should try? Let us know in the comments below!


About Unknown


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