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Simple ways to cut back on sugar…

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 24 October 2017 | 11:03

If you’re a little overwhelmed by the whole “quitting sugar” thing, we hear you…

When you look at the whole journey at once, it can seem like an impossible task. But, when you break it into simple, bite-sized pieces, we promise you’ll be a-okay!

Identify the culprits.

We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the sweet stuff is hiding everywhere. So, before you embark on your sugar-free journey, it’s important to identify the sweet culprits so you know which foods you can nosh on (and which ones to steer clear of). Some foods are obvious – chocolate, lollies and cake won’t make the cut – but other products are a bit more sneaky, such as sauces and savoury foods. It also pays to understand the ingredients list so you can check products at the supermarket to see what’s hiding in your food (we found 71 alias names for sugar!).

Make some sweet swaps.

You don’t have to change your whole diet at once. In fact, making some delicious swaps to what you eat already is a simple place to start. Plus, you won’t even notice that you’re cutting down your sugar intake. For brekkie, swap out that sugar-laden muesli for oats or make your own granola, then top it with a dollop of full-fat plain or Greek yoghurt. By doing so, you could save yourself 10 teaspoons of sugar before you even walk out the door…

Embrace natural sweetness.

When we say “natural”, we’re not talking about honey and agave! We mean sweet veggies and cinnamon, of course. Veggies like sweet potato, pumpkin and carrots are so super sweet, in fact, that we even pop them in desserts. By embracing these tasty veggies you’ll still be able to have a lil’ sweetness in your life – without the nasties! We also love to sprinkle cinnamon on just about everything, because not only is it naturally sweet, but it can help combat pesky cravings and lower blood sugar levels.

Own that lapse!

You know what? If you fall off the sugar-free wagon from time to time, own it. Slip-ups happen and besides, if you feel like crap after you’ve devoured your daily sugar limit in one sitting, it will remind you why you started in the first place. Take a look at what the IQS team does to bounce back after a healthy eating lapse.

Check out our 8-Week Program for a step-by-step guide on how to quit the sweet stuff!


About Unknown


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