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Slash sugar in your lunchbox right NOW

Written By Unknown on Monday 18 September 2017 | 18:01

Even if you have the best sugar-free intentions, packing your lunch can be like navigating through sugary land mines.

With a few simple swaps however, you can effortlessly ditch the sugar… without even noticing. The kids will love these ideas too!

Swap soft drink for kombucha…

We all know fizzy drinks are packed with the sweet stuff, but do you really know how much? Just one can of coke contains nine teaspoons of sugar, so sipping one with lunch will max your daily sugar intake for sure. For a healthier fizzy fix try Remedy Kombucha instead. With less than 1g of sugar per serve and a range of flavours like Ginger Lemon, Apple Crisp and Raspberry Lemonade, they’ll be sure to crush your cravings.

Swap donuts for Jam Donut Muffins

Believe it or not, you can have donuts in your lunch and still stay on the sugar-free wagon! Using our very own Raspberry Chia Jam, this recipe can be whipped up in just 45 minutes – perfect to cook on a Sunday afternoon and fill the lunchboxes all week.

I Quit Sugar - Jam Donut Muffins

Swap flavoured yoghurt pots for plain or Greek yoghurt…

Ah, yoghurt you sneaky thing! It looks healthy, the label might even say it’s “healthy”… but what’s hiding inside is another story. Some tubs can contain up to seven teaspoons of the sweet stuff. We recommend swapping it out for full-fat plain or Greek yoghurt – if you buy a big tub, split it into smaller portions using your own reusable container to save on waste too!

Swap bread for Sourdough…

Generally, breads are fairly low in sugar, but to be sure, we recommend reaching for sourdough. Not only is sourdough naturally low in sugar, but because it’s fermented, it’s good for your gut too. Win, win.

Swap sugary muesli bars for our LCM Bars

Sickly sweet muesli bars are on the way out, and our very own LCM Bars are here to stay. Straight from The Lunchbox Book and made with just five ingredients, they’re perfect to munch on at your desk, or as a snack for the kids.

I Quit Sugar - LCM bars


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