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Why you should be skipping

Written By Unknown on Saturday 5 August 2017 | 18:05

Not a cardio kid? Find running a chore? Well, what if I told you I have your cardio solution?

According to the heart foundation, “you significantly decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease if you do at least 30 minutes of moderate physical exercise most days of the week”.

But if you’re worried about how you can achieve this, fret no more – there is a way! In fact, it requires little equipment, is super convenient and may even bring back some fun childhood memories.

Say hello to skipping! Here’s why it’s such a great form of cardio…

It elevates your heart rate… which is a good thing. Our heart is a muscle and needs a workout too, so aim for your target heart rate zone. To work this out you need to establish you maximum (220- your age = maximum) and aim to work at 50–85 per cent of your maximum.

It’s great for toning… your bottom, shoulders, legs and abs all get a workout!

It’s a great time-saver… 10 minutes of high intensity skipping burns more calories than 30 minutes of running!

It’s great for bone health… skipping can assist in the prevention of osteoporosis – a condition increasingly affecting both men and women. Jumping increases bone density in adolescents and prevents bone mass deterioration in adults.

You can do it anywhere… seriously, you can take your rope anywhere and skip to your heart’s content!

New to skipping? Follow these easy steps.

  • Once you have your rope, find a clear area without any obstructions.

  • Make sure you’re wearing supportive footwear and the ground is flat.

  • Then, using your wrists, flick the rope over your body making sure you clear the rope as it hits the ground.

  • Once you’ve mastered the basics, challenge yourself by doing a double under. To perform this you need to flick the rope around you twice before your set touch the ground!


About Unknown


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