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Where’s your caffeine hiding?

Written By Unknown on Sunday 6 August 2017 | 23:00

If you’re trying to cut back on the caffeine to lose those jitters and catch some zzzs, coffee will probably be the first thing to get the flick.

But as it turns out, caffeine is hiding in all sorts of sneaky places you wouldn’t even think to look…


There’s a perfect cuppa’ for nearly every situation, but is it actually doing you any favours? While you might think reaching for a brew of tea is a better option than coffee, turns out black tea (and even herbal teas) can contain the same amount of caffeine as an espresso!  

If you’re in need of something to sip on that’s completely caffeine-free and packs a superfood punch, try our Anti-inflammatory Turmeric Tea.


Caffeine is naturally found in cocoa beans, and when they’re converted into your choccy bar, the caffeine stays put. Actually, the darker the chocolate, the higher the caffeine content – so if you’re finding it hard to sleep, it might be that “90% Lindt” you munch on before bed!

Ice cream.

Because your chocolate isn’t caffeine-free, your choccy (and coffee) flavoured ice cream won’t be either. We reckon why not just cut it out all together?


Caffeine is often added to some over-the-counter painkillers as it boosts their effectiveness at kicking pain to the curb. That’s great if you need to push through your work day, but if you’re trying to catch some zzzs, make sure you’re reaching for the drowsy meds instead.

Decaf coffee!

Hold the phone! But, don’t we buy decaf to avoid the caffeine? Turns out under worldwide food standards, decaffeinated coffee means “most of the caffeine has been removed” – not all of it. And, as manufacturers aren’t required to label how much caffeine is in a product, there’s no way of knowing how much of a caffeine hit is in your cup. Our advice? If you’re super sensitive to the stuff, ditch it all together!


About Unknown


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