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Quitting sugar looks different to everyone

Written By Unknown on Sunday 13 August 2017 | 13:04

Everyone has walked a different path to get to the sugar-free life.

And, not all of us started out as wellness warriors! So, we thought it was about time we pulled back the covers and shared our own wellness journeys with you…

Our office manager Maddy, says she used to be an undercover sugar addict…  

“Let me start with the fact I never considered myself to be addicted to sugar, but I was 100 per cent wrong. I was eating sugary banana bread for brekkie, biscuits with my tea, and then dessert after dinner… EVERY DAY! Eventually, I knew I wasn’t as healthy as I could be and needed to make a change. Now, having successfully quit sugar for more than a year, I find myself sticking to the JERF principle and enjoying fresh, seasonal and local produce. Quitting sugar isn’t a fad for me, it’s a way of life”

IQS resident nutritionist and wellness warrior, Liv, thinks that quitting sugar has helped her become more of a foodie!

“I’ve always been a healthy eater, but I often found myself craving fruit after meals. Although I love including whole fresh fruit in my diet, having intense cravings was something I was happy to say goodbye to when I quit sugar. Best of all, I’m still a massive foodie, and quitting sugar has allowed me to make better choices, enjoy everything I eat and indulge when I want, without feeling the need to go overboard.”

For Ash, our senior writer and editor, quitting sugar meant finding food freedom!

“I’ve always been a fairly healthy eater and never felt “addicted” to sugar… but until I ditched it completely, I was a grazer – nibbling on nuts, fruit and “healthy” treats in between meals. I also always experienced food guilt when I enjoyed something a bit indulgent and would always be thinking about my next meal. Since quitting sugar, I’ve found that not only have I stopped snacking altogether, but I feel far more satisfied after meals and find myself naturally craving fats, veggies and protein over sugar. Accompanying that has also been the education side of things – as I continue to learn more and more about sugar and how harmful it is to our health, I simply don’t think about it as an option anymore.”

All it took was a little education for our general manager, Jorge, to be converted to the JERF life.

“I was never a huge sugar fan or addict. I mean, doesn’t everybody already know that sugar is bad for your wellbeing? Ask anyone (I double dare you), if they think sugar is good for them and I guarantee that no one will say yes. So that part (the obvious sugar) was easy. In truth, for me the education I needed was really around the JERF mentality, and the importance of eating a varied and balanced diet of quality proteins, fats and veggies (admittedly, something I’m still working on). If I just focus on JERFing, I don’t even need to think about the sugar, it simply doesn’t feature in good food. So that’s my shortcut to the sugar-free life – JERF!”

For our writer and content creator Phoebe, quitting sugar was a pathway to a healthier lifestyle.

“My journey to health and wellness started in the gym. I was fixated on counting calories and macros, justifying eating sugary treats because “it fit my macros”. It wasn’t until I changed my eating habits that I noticed results in both my performance and my bod. Cutting out the crap and eating whole foods not only helped me reach my exercise goals, but allowed me to make peace with my food. But now, the more I learn about the effect sugar has on my body, the more I know I’ll never go back to my wicked ways!”

Tell us about your journey in the comments below!


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