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Healthy habits that cost less than a cup of coffee

Written By Unknown on Sunday 13 August 2017 | 18:09

These days, it’s not hard to be overwhelmed by all the health and wellness info out there.

Plus, every time you scroll through Instagram it seems there’s a new tip, trend or health fad to try promising miracle results. But before you dish out your hard-earned pay packet on a bunch of superfood powders or the next teatox – we’re busting the myth that being healthy needs to be expensive.

In fact, some of the best healthy habits will cost you less than a cup of coffee…

Start jogging.

… or walking – whatever tickles your fancy! Point is, instead of a pricey gym membership, take your workout outdoors and you can get fit and reap the benefits of enjoying some fresh air simultaneously.
Price: FREE

Sip warm water and lemon.

This is seriously the simplest health tip ever, but you know why everyone raves about it? Because it works. When we wake up, to a certain extent most of us are a little dehydrated, but beyond that, sipping warm water and lemon helps kick start our metabolism and wake up the digestive system. It helps to ah, get things moving (so to speak), cleansing and rebalancing our whole system.
Price: The price of a lemon – $1

Up your veggie intake.

There is a common misconception that eating healthily means you need to eat all organic, activated, sprouted, superfoods. Well, that’s not actually the case. The key is to shop seasonally and opt for veggies which are local and in season as this brings the price down. If you’re trying to track down an obscure tropical fruit that needs to travel across the globe to get to your supermarket, of course it’s going to be pricey. If possible, head to your local farmer’s market and be prepared to nab a bargain!
Price: How do five avocados for $2 sound? 

Soak up the sun.

Yes, we’re totally on board with sun safety – but did you know that vitamin D (and getting enough of it) is also vital for optimal health? A little sun exposure not only helps to support bone health, boost immunity and help prevent diabetes, but it’s also protective against cancer. A few minutes a day is all you need so make it a habit to catch a few rays each day and do your health a favour.
Price: FREE

What’s your top budget health tip? Let us know in the comments below.


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