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Coffee addicts, listen up!

Written By Unknown on Sunday 18 June 2017 | 22:24

Hi, my name’s Phoebe and I’m a self-proclaimed ex-coffee addict…

I used to drink 6–7 cups a day. Easy.

The very thought of coffee was what got me out of bed in the morning. And whenever I felt a little lethargic (which was most of the time), I’d reach for another cuppa.

But then, I started working at IQS and everything changed.

I thought because I’m a “long black, no sugar” kind of girl that going sugar-free wouldn’t affect my craving for a brew. But man, I was wrong!

Ditching the sweet stuff not only helped to cure my coffee cravings, but I was surprised with a bunch of other (welcome) side effects too…

I’ve got more energy.

While I was heavily reliant on caffeine for an energy boost, I also never felt like I had any energy. What a catch! That spiralled into coffee after coffee, all day.

Since doing the Program however, I don’t feel like I even NEED a boost. The meals are full of good fats and protein which keep me energised. And now, if I do need a kick, I reach for a protein snack instead.

I sleep like a log.

It’s no secret that caffeine and sugar are both stimulants (think children at a party after all the sugary treats!) so most nights I’d find myself tossing and turning. After cutting out the sweet stuff, this stopped and I could (finally) sleep through the night without a problem. Getting a deeper, more restorative sleep means I now don’t even need the dose of caffeine in the morning. Win, win!

My skin’s clear.

I welcomed this one with open arms! Sugar can cause inflammation and caffeine is super dehydrating, so the two together were a skin nightmare. Through the Program, I focused on increasing my water intake, and without all the extra crap I was putting into my body, my skin cleared up (woohoo!).

And best of all, I’ve saved cash (cha-ching!)

Without having to fuel a constant coffee addiction, I’m now saving $4 a pop over here. What’s not to love about that?

Are you a coffee addict that’s ready to cut back? Check out the 8-Week Program and feel these positive side effects too!


About Unknown


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