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91% of men lose weight on the 8-Week Program

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 6 June 2017 | 16:42

Listen up ladies because the 8-Week Program has not only been doing wonders for our waistlines, but the men in our lives have been benefitting too.

We recently shared that 91 per cent of men who quit sugar on our 8-Week Program lost weight. But even more impressive is the fact that of the men who’ve completed the program, a whopping 97 per cent would recommend it to someone else!

So, if you need help convincing one of the amazing men in your life to quit sugar, here’s what they can expect…

Improved mood.

Research shows that junk foods and sugar are linked to depressive moods. So basically, eating a truckload of sugar is a massive mood swing just waiting to happen. Once you ditch the sweet stuff however, our hormones regulate and we become much nicer people to be around. Win, win!

Better sleep.

Eating sugar keeps us wired so nixing sugary foods and drinks (especially before bed) encourages more restful sleep – aka less tossing and turning.

More energy.

One of our sugar-quitters, Breyten, told us that after ditching sugar, his energy levels skyrocketed.

“I now eat for my active lifestyle. My energy levels are constantly high.”

I Quit Sugar - 91% of men lose weight on the 8WP

Boosted sex drive.

If there’s one more thing that may help convince him to quit sugar, it’s the knowledge that sugar can actually dampen your libido. In men, research shows that sugar can cause testosterone levels to drop, erectile dysfunction and even weight gain. Yikes!

If you’re based in the UK or US and stuck for Father’s Day ideas, why not give the gift of health? Check out the 8-Week Program for more details.


About Unknown


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