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7 things super healthy people do every morning

Written By Unknown on Monday 5 June 2017 | 13:07

Mornings can be tough. We know. But the way you start your day sets the tone for the hours that follow and a little bit of planning can make all the difference.

At IQS, we love a morning routine. “First thing in the morning, we’re foggy and slant toward stagnancy,” says Sarah. “A routine gets us moving, no brain required. It gets us out of bed with purpose.”

So whether you’re up with the sun stretching it out in downward dog or hustling to get your kids out the door in time for school, here are some IQS-approved hacks that will ensure you start your day off on the right foot (without toothpaste on your shirt).

1. Set an intention.

IQS Ambassador Marisa (of Miss Marzipan fame) starts her mornings by writing down three intentions for the day.

“I also try to eat a nourishing breakfast. Usually some kind of toasted sandwich (with a sourdough base, fresh greens and avocado) or porridge with lots of warming spices.”

2. Drink up.

Our senior writer and editor Ashley always begins her day with a cup of hot water and fresh lemon. 

“This simple ritual really helps to kickstart my metabolism and keep me hydrated!”

3. Meditate.

Dietitian and IQS Expert Natalie Bourke tries to meditate for at least five minutes.

“I like to do it outside because nature is where I feel my calmest. I find it really grounds me for the day.”

4. Go green.

A green smoothie fires up Nutritionist and IQS Expert Angelique Panagos for her day ahead.

“I like to think of it as my morning multi-vitamin in a glass! After I’ve done that it’s time for a short meditation, to practise the attitude of gratitude and seize the day ahead.”

5. Family time.

IQS Ambassador Erin (Dreaming of Almonds on Instagram) always makes time to sit and eat breakfast with the kids.

“It helps me start the day in a calm frame of mind and eat a proper meal before I’m up on my feet.”

6. Make your bed.

Making her bed each morning reminds food and fitness coach and IQS Expert Diana Tencic that the small achievements lead to the big ones.

“It’s a simple, achievable task that sets me up for the day.”

7. Move.

IQS founder Sarah always starts her day with mindful movement.

“I leave the house and get outside to jog, walk, do yoga at the beach, swim… I try to go with what my body needs… often a 20-minute walk or stretch in my lounge is enough. But the deal is: I move every day. No deliberation. I just do it. It’s my routine.”

If you’re looking for more tips, check out our article on healthy habits before bedtime.

We originally published this article in November 2016. We updated it in June 2017.


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