Mums tend to give a lot of advice to their kids. And some of it actually does stick!
With Mother’s Day just around the corner, we thought we’d round up the top health tips we got from our Mummas. What’s yours?
Balance is key.
“My mum has maintained good health with a focus on balance in all areas of her life. She never diets, never counts calories, has never bought into exercise fads. She surrounds herself with good friends and family to share the trials of life, to laugh and to celebrate.” – Marisa, IQS ambassador
You are what you eat.
“Mum drilled this into me from a VERY early age, and it stuck! If you want to feel crap, eat crap. If you want to feel fresh, eat fresh!” – Maddison, IQS office manager
Always start from scratch.
“From an early age we learnt that food was made from whole food, slowly and with love. To this day, Mum makes all her food from scratch and grows what she can in her veggie garden. Her homemade scones are legendary!” Jenny, IQS ambassador
Move every day.
“Whether it’s a sesh at the gym, a yoga class or just a walk around the block, daily exercise is a non-negotiable for Mum. And all that moving is certainly working… she often gets mistaken for my sister!” – Camilla, IQS editor
Avoid the supermarket.
“Every weekend, Mum goes to the local markets and comes home with oodles of fresh fruit and veg. She reckons when you have the opportunity to buy fresh ingredients directly from the farmer, why would you ever go to a supermarket?” – Becky, IQS customer service team lead
Laughter is the best medicine.
“Mum always said ‘life is better when you’re laughing’. Turns out she was right! Recent studies have shown laughter has wide-ranging health benefits, from improving memory to protecting your heart. Damn those mothers, they always know best! – Rani, IQS ambassador
Learn to cook!
“Growing up we had dinner as a family every night. It wasn’t always a fancy feast, but it was always homemade, real food. Fact is, when you know how to cook, being healthy is ONE HUNDRED times easier.” – Alyssa, IQS marketing executive
Listen to your body.
“If it’s telling me to slow down, miss the gym and get an extra hours sleep… do it. Being mindful and aware of your body is the first step, but listening and taking its advice is the key!” – Georgia, IQS food and recipes manager
What wellness advice of Mum’s do you live by?
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