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Is quitting sugar good for my waistline?

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 21 March 2017 | 12:03

One of the most common questions we get is, “if I stop eating sugar will I lose weight?”.

While we don’t focus on weight loss during the I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program, we’ve found it often comes as a happy side effect (if you needed to lose weight in the first place). Here’s why.

When you quit sugar, you can lose weight.

We’re often told by people they’ve lost weight successfully by quitting sugar. Check out our testimonials to read their stories, including Adriane (below) who lost 37kg!


And it’s easy to see why. All you’re doing is swapping out processed junk for quality, whole food!

But sometimes that weight loss is just the beginning. When you limit sugar and refined carbs, you can also reduce the large amounts of insulin required to deal with those sugars.

“We call [insulin resistance] the ultimate cause driving metabolic diseases. Sugar, particularly, is an independent risk factor to chronic disease and insulin resistance,” says esteemed cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra.

Indeed, a meta-analysis of more than 3,000 studies found strong links between fructose in industrialised food and insulin resistance syndrome.

Eating real food can help break the cycle. Elise, Kirra and Jackie all reversed their insulin issues/pre-diabetes when they quit the sweet stuff.

Importantly, you can also lose inches.

We also get a lot of comments from people who have lost inches around their waist, even if they haven’t lost weight (or needed to). This makes us even happier!

Why? Fat that collects around the waistline is often visceral fat, or fat around the abdominal organs. It’s linked to a bunch of health issues like insulin resistance (again), fatty liver and inflammation.

There is evidence to suggest that fructose in particular contributes to visceral obesity. Just have a look at Joyce, who quit sugar and lost 4 inches (10 cm) off her waist!

When you eat real food, you don’t overeat.

It’s widely known junk food doesn’t fill you up. But sugar could even make you hungrier. Studies show that fructose can mess with hunger hormones and send the brain’s reward centres into overdrive, making you want more.

Eating real food allows you to break the addiction and restore your appetite to factory settings. Wendy, who lost 18kg when she quit sugar, says: “As I ate less sugar, I didn’t feel so hungry.”

I Quit Sugar – Wendy’s story: “I cut out the sugar in my tea and lost 18kg in 2 months!”

It’s not a yo-yo diet.

Research shows that 98 per cent of people who diet regain the weight in five years. We don’t hear this from our programmers, and that’s because quitting sugar is not a diet.

You don’t have to count calories, starve yourself or refuse cake on your birthday. It’s sustainable and that’s why it works.

It’s also important to remember that weight loss is just one benefit of quitting sugar. Clear skin, better immunity, reduced inflammation and general happiness are also reasons why it’s the easiest lifestyle to keep up!


About Unknown


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