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What the I Quit Sugar team really eats for lunch (we promise it’s not kale)

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 17 January 2017 | 21:31

Eating a healthy lunch at work doesn’t mean forking out $22 on a café salad.

It also doesn’t mean you have to subsist on canned tuna, microwave rice and cheese toasties. Though we have the luxury of a fully kitted-out kitchen, the IQS team usually just throw together leftovers and scraps to make our lunches. And they (usually) turn out pretty well!

We sent around a camera to show you what we really eat for lunch (we promise it’s not multiple photos of kale). If you love these ideas, check out our new I Quit Sugar: The Lunchbox Book for more practical tips and toteable work lunch recipes!

“Super freekeh” roast chook veggie bowl.

Matt, our associate products manager, is one of those people who can take something like an old cabbage turn it into a beautiful meal. This bowl consists of leftover roast chicken, freekeh (green wheat), frozen peas and broccoli.

Matt: “Like many of us, I threw this together from a bunch of things in my fridge. It ended up making three meals!”

I Quit Sugar – What the I Quit Sugar team really eats for lunch (we promise it’s not kale)

More veg than you can shake a skewer at.

Our writer Rachel’s leftover lunch is some veggies and halloumi banged on a skewer, smashed potatoes and a small fillet of peri-peri salmon. (Although it has to be said, she normally wouldn’t go to the trouble of making kebabs. Ain’t nobody got time for that.).

Rachel: “There are all the colours of the rainbow here (well, except blue, but show me a blue vegetable). It was delicious – tasted even better the day after.”

I Quit Sugar – What the I Quit Sugar team really eats for lunch (we promise it’s not kale)

One-pan, no-plan, pea pilaf.

Rachel also gifted our senior writer and editor Camilla some homemade fried rice because it had “too much pork belly”. Rachel be cray. Camilla seized the opportunity to turn it into a delicious pilaf with egg and veg.

Camilla: “I warmed the rice and veg in a hot oiled pan (but you can use a microwave) and threw in with some frozen peas and an egg for a bit of protein. All in all, it cost me, like, a dollar?”

I Quit Sugar – What the I Quit Sugar team really eats for lunch (we promise it’s not kale)

Low-cash freezer stash mish-mash in a flash.

Somebody alert Kermit, because our recipe development assistant Hannah has proven that it really is easy being green. She out-greened us all with this nutritious bowl of soaked lentils, buckwheat, salad greens, cucumber, avocado and feta.

Hannah: “I also discovered the avo was a little underripe shortly after this photo was taken! All good – I smashed it up with feta, lemon and salt to enjoy with crispbread. YUM.”

I Quit Sugar – What the I Quit Sugar team really eats for lunch (we promise it’s not kale)

Blue cheese bechamel baked vegetable stack.

Did you just drool all over your screen reading that? That’s what customer service team lead Becky, who literally has a stash of blue cheese bechamel sauce for her lunches, has been doing to us all week. Thanks Becky. She drizzled the good stuff all over sweet potato, broccoli and spinach.

Becky: “I made the blue cheese bechamel in advance and heated it up with some leftover veggies and wilted greens in the microwave. Quick and healthy lunch for a busy Friday!”

I Quit Sugar – What the I Quit Sugar team really eats for lunch (we promise it’s not kale)

V-eggies (veggies with an egg thrown on top).

Our social media intern Lauren already knows the tricks of the trade – when in doubt, add an egg. It certainly completes her plate of roast sweet potato, broccoli and carrots, don’t you think?

Lauren: “I’d already heated my preroasted veggies in the microwave). All up, it took less than five minutes and cost me less than five dollars!”

I Quit Sugar – What the I Quit Sugar team really eats for lunch (we promise it’s not kale)

“Bowl you over” buddha bowl.

We think office manager Maddy might be showing off just a little. Not only is her lunch the perfect combo of roasted veg and fresh cherry tomatoes with some greens, pesto and feta, it looks seriously beautiful!

Maddy: “By the end of the week I’m scouring the fridge for leftovers. But because my fridge is normally full of my favourite ingredients, they end up going pretty well together! And it’s sustainable, too.”

I Quit Sugar – What the I Quit Sugar team really eats for lunch (we promise it’s not kale)

Which office lunch idea do you like the best? We’re not competitive at all.


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