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Why exercise is as important as eating well

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 21 December 2016 | 18:07

They say you can’t outrun a bad diet. But does that mean we can throw our exercise regimes out the window if we’re eating healthily most of the time?

Short story: keep moving people!

Sure, if you’re exercising for the sole purpose of losing weight, you’re probably going to be underwhelmed by the results (particularly if you’re not eating right in the first place).

But the health benefits of exercise – combined with eating real food (and quitting the processed crap) – stack up to so much more than simply maintaining your healthy weight.

Exercise for wellness, not weightloss.

At the very base of it, who doesn’t feel clearer, fresher and more energised after a bit of time spent out and about? But the science backs the health benefits of regular exercise, too.

From improving your sleep and preventing injury to strengthening your immune system and even warding off cancer and depression, getting moving can do a world of good outside a number on a scale.

A recent study found that just 15 minutes of walking a day can cut your risk of premature death by 22 per cent! If that’s not a reason to leave the car at home tomorrow!

Plus, exercise can help you quit sugar.

If you’re thinking about giving sugar the boot, regular exercise can be your best ally. That’s because when you quit sugar, you’re actually detoxing as your body works to clear your system of the sweet stuff.

Sweating it out regularly (even with a quick brisk walk or a few yoga poses) can really help things along and alleviate some of the nastier detox symptoms.

Our approach?

While two-hour gym sessions and week-long bootcamps are really not our thing, we exercise every day, even if it’s only for 20 minutes.

Of course if we’re feeling good, we’ll go for longer, but as Sarah says: “It’s the ‘every day’ part of that statement that matters, not how much, or what you do. Exercise should just be about moving. It should be part of life every day. Not a regime you shirk from. Treat it as such.”

That’s why we knocked noggins with exercise expert Diana Tencic to develop a brand new Movement Plan for the I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program.

I Quit Sugar - Why exercise is as important as eating well

With practical tips, how-to guides and easily customisable workouts, the plan keeps you moving throughout the Program and beyond, so you can say goodbye to the sweet stuff and find your healthiest you.


About Unknown


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