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10 tips from real people who beat their sugar addiction for good

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 1 November 2016 | 22:09

If you’ve already given the sweet stuff the flick, you’ve probably picked up a thing or two about staying on the low-sugar wagon.

And if you’re just starting out, our I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program Forums are FULL of people happy to share what they’ve learnt. Here are 10 of our community’s the best tips, tricks and hacks on how to live your best low-sugar life.

1. Know your purpose.

It’s been more than four years since Sophie quit sugar following Sarah‘s very first I Quit Sugar 8-Week Program eBook. For her, it’s about remembering why she ditched the sweet stuff in the first place.

“It’s one thing to just do. It’s another to know why you’re doing it,” says Sophie. “Being armed with knowledge of what sugar really does made me think twice about that handful of lollies.”

2. Plan ahead.

Marisa (otherwise known as Miss Marzipan!) first bought Sarah’s I Quit Sugar for Life on a whim in March 2014 and started experimenting with the recipes. She then joined us on the second round of the Program ever!

“Eating IQS-style is satisfying, delicious and easy with a bit of menu planning and pre-prepping,” she says. “It’s amazing how far a few cups of precooked quinoa and a tray of roasted veggies can take you!”

3. Fall in love with sweet potato.

Claire, who’s been off the sweet stuff since June 2015, has become as big a fan of sweet pot as we are!

“I’ll have them as a snack, use them as the base of a meal or add them to a smoothie bowl. Their natural sweetness is magic and will curb the most ferocious of cravings,” she says.

4. Don’t demonise sugar.

Sarah’s low-sugar life started in May this year after she read I Quit Sugar: Simplicious and enrolled in her first Program. She’s never looking back.

“l don’t see sugar (or any foods!) with a pitch fork and forked tail. I just allow sugar to be, accepting that the journey to food freedom is a fluid process,” she says.

5. BYO.

Tracey has been living a sugar-free life since 2012. Living in the country, she knows a bit about staying prepared.

“Whenever I travel, I always try and plan what I will eat by taking my own food or finding somewhere that gives me the best choices in advance,” she says.

6. Treat yourself!

Erin’s been living the low-sugar life for more than two years, after she did her first Program. She now knows how to treat herself without the sugar rush.

“If I’m feeling a little snack-y after dinner, I make a hot chocolate with milk, cacao and cinnamon,” she says. “Or I’ll opt for a small wedge of soft cheese; it’s so indulgent and filling!”

7. It’s okay to fail.

When the doctors told Tahlia she’d never be able to naturally conceive, she was devastated. Little did she know, she’d fall pregnant just eight weeks after quitting the sweet stuff! Tahlia’s little girl is now two years old.

“What I have really learnt is that regardless of how many slip ups you have, getting straight back to your plan is the best way to do things,” she says.  

8. Befriend your freezer.

It’s been almost two years since Elise’s family and I joined the Program. Since then, they’ve done it SIX times!  

“I now use my freezer a lot more efficiently by making double batches of sauces, curries, muffins and fritters on the weekend and freezing what isn’t eaten straight away,” says Elise. “Perfect for those days when you’re too busy to cook and great for the children’s lunches!”

9. Always be prepared.

Our Program coordinator Matt always has some healthy low-sugar snacks ready if he needs them.

“There is nothing worse than feeling like you need a boost and not having something ready. I love having some Sweet + Salty Granola Slice on stand by at all times!”

10. Keep experimenting!

Alice and her family quit sugar with us earlier this year. For her, quitting sugar an ongoing experiment, starting with some of her favourite family recipes.

“I’ve managed to get a muffin recipe from one cup of sugar to a couple of tablespoons of rice malt syrup and whole fruit to sweeten. The kids haven’t turned them down yet!”


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