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11 unexpected things real people learnt when they quit sugar

Written By Unknown on Thursday 27 October 2016 | 22:09

Have you decided to give sugar the boot? Maybe you’ve quit the sweet stuff already? 

Whether you’re just starting out, in the depths of rabid sugar cravings or you’ve already found food freedom, there’s always at least one surprising revelation you learn along the way.

As we gear up for the next I Quit Sugar: 8-Week Program, we asked some of our Program Graduates for their of the sugary pearls of wisdom. Here’s what they reported back.

1. Beatrice discovered a hidden talent for cooking.

“My creativity is limitless. Necessity is the mother of invention, and, like a culinary MacGyver, I have fashioned a delicious sugar-free dessert using nothing but my wits, cunning and the IQS philosophies. I call it Sugar-Free Chai Choc Almond Frozen Yoghurt.”

2. Shellie is also a woman on a mission.

“I have caught myself observing the items in other people’s trolleys and considering the sugar content. I almost told a lady she should re-think the Up&Go she was about to purchase!”

On ya’, Shellie!

3. Janna couldn’t believe how intense sugar withdrawal could be.

“The cravings were real! Like hot flashes during menopause or a crappy boyfriend they just kept returning. But I just kept pushing through. And now I’ve lost weight, sleep better and have tonnes more energy.”

Sugar can consider itself officially dumped.

4. Sandy, a home economics teacher surrounded by food, is no longer a slave to sugar.

“I’m usually up to my ears in sugary food, but the detox symptoms have been surprisingly minimal. I can’t believe how easy it has been to eat three meals not have snacks and feel full. I even went camping on the weekend and made the Chicken Caesar Salad for six people, as well as the Beef Fajitas! Boy, were they impressed!”

5. The hidden sugar message clicked with Carol…

“I’m astounded by the sugar in things like seasoning salt. No wonder we’re addicted.”

6. … just as it did with Jennie.

“I can’t help but wonder why someone thought it would be a good idea to add sugar to sausages. Sausages! Lucky, I checked the label.”  

7. Mother Melanie realised the shocking truth about her daughter’s breakfast cereal.

“I was feeding my daughter a bowl of granola and yoghurt daily. There was more sugar in it than a Snickers bar. I was horrified!”

8. Merryn claims she can now say no to Nutella.

“It’s changed my mindset towards food in just three weeks. I can’t look at Nutella the same anymore.”

Neither can we, Merryn, neither can we.

9. Louise also realised she didn’t need a hazelnut spread to be happy.

“It’s like my tastebuds have been re-wired. Cashews and cucumbers taste sweet! I love that it’s not about going without – it’s about rediscovering food.”

10. Sally‘s new favourite food is fennel.

“I’m eating foods that I hadn’t tried before and loving it! I may be slightly obsessed with fennel right now…”

11. Speaking of greens, Shannon is smitten with hers.

“My fridge has never seen so many veggies at one time! It’s so much fun trying so many different foods and flavours.

“Something else that surprises me – but really shouldn’t – is that we’re producing much less paper, cardboard and plastic waste. Not surprising when you swap boxed, canned and plastic-contained food for JERFing.”

We originally published this post in February 2016. We updated it in October 2016.


About Unknown


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